to Cologne. EMMERICH. 55. Route. 447 Raapopsche-Weg div nee on the left for Klarenbeek. To the N., { M. from the Velp road, is the ‘Steenen Tafel’ (stone table), whence a fine view of the Rhine Valley is obtained. — At Bronbeek, to the left of the Velp road, about 1 M. farther on, is a hospital for the soldiers of the colonial army, which contains a number of old can- non and other weapons captured in colonial wars (admission 50 c.). few minutes farther on begins the village of Velp (Hot. ment), © g almost entirely of country -residences and interse by tl 3 from Bronbeek to Velp station on foot, 4/o hr. ; steam- tramway to Dieren, see p.429; tram- way to Beekhuizen-Logement). About { M. to the N. is the chateau ae iedaan belonging to Baron van Pallandt, with a massive tower of the 13th ce is of the 18th century. The park, which contains fine trees, and fountains, is open i Tues., Wed., & Thurs. under the guidance of the entrance (fee 1/y fl., a party 1 fl.). The per, Ww golf-course (9 hol of the Arnhem Golf Club is situated here also. Adjacent a he Hotel op den Berg and the Hétel-Pension Krayestein (pens. from 4/5 fl.). To the E. of Velp is the chateau of Biljoen (no adm. ). From Zutphen (Sal below; bergen), see R. 50; to Nymwegen, seo e@ below. The n ations are WwW sates’ and Duiven. — 44M. Zeven- aar, the frontier-station of Holland and junc tion of lines via Doet- inchem (p. 429) to Ruurlo (p. 430) and Winterswyk (p. 430). — 49 M. Elten, the frontier-station of Prussia, has an abbey-church of the 13th century. 5A1/o M. eanaierle Rheinischer Hof; Hotel Royal, at the station), on the Rhine, is a clean, Dutch-looking town with 42, 600 in- habitants. At the ae end rises the Gothic tower of the church of St. Aldegonde; at the lower end is the Miinster, a church of the 11-15th century. Bees ferry to the left bank, whence a motor- omnibus plies to C (p. 448). The next stations are Empel and Wesel. At the latter, a town with 22,5090 inhab., situated atthe influx of the Tages into the Rt ae a branch-line diverges for Bocholt and (24 M.) Winterswyk (p.& AX 30). 921/, M. Oberhausen (Hof von Holland; Rail. Restaurant) is the junction for Ruhrort and for the Cologne- Minden railway. — Hence to — {36 M. Cologne (1 hr. by express-train), via Disseldorf, see Baedeker’s Rhine. i EE pe From Annuem (p. 444) to Trupure vik NyMWEGEN AND’S Her- rocENBoscH, D41/g M., railway in 2-23/4 hrs. The railway crosses the Rhine and traverses the fertile Betuwe (p. 444), vii Elst, Vork, Ressen-Bemmel (p. 464), and Lent (p. 451). The Waal is nex t cross ed (view of Nymwegen to the left). 10!/) M. Nymwegen, see p. 449. Barprker’s Belgium and Holland, 15th Edit. 28