446 Route 46. COLOGNE. From Aix-la-Chap. and Ursula, ¢. 1480. — Reliquary of copper gilt set with enas mels of Cologne, XIII cent, — Reliquary Monstrance, XV cent. Splendid Processional Cross of silver parcel gilt with richly chiselled ornamen S,C. 1500. 2 Ghasubles of red velveb with embroidered orphreys, end of XV cent., anda Cope end of XVI cent. Painting with portrait of the donor in the costume of acanon kneeling by I. Van Meckenen ?, end of XV cent.; another of Christ crucified with the B. V., 8S. Johu, Jerome, Margaret and the donor, XV cent. The Cuurca or tag building of XI cent. Minorires, consecrated in 19260, is a8 aisled > With pentagonal apse to chancel; it has no triforium ; there is a very elegant six sided wooden turret with crocketted spire over the chancel arch; it contains a carved pulpit of Renaissance style and an excellent organ. Here were preserved the Mss. of Duns Scotus in 14 vols. folio for nearly 5 centuries until the French carried them away to Paris; 2 vols. were lost in removal. ‘ S. Anprew’s, a3 aisled cruciform Church, originally built on the same plan as S. Mary in the Capitol, with 3 semicircular apses, but having been struck by lightuing in 1290, it underwent considerable alterations. The Choir was entirely rebuilt in 14147 by Abp. Theodoric ; though wanting in severity it is nevertheless © very handsome: the apses of the trans. were then made polygonal; = the Nave and Aisles with the central octagonal tower completed in 1220, and the fine W. end flanked by 2 square towers and adorned with black marble columns, are Romanesque. Choir: Carved stalls with figures of saints, etc., c. 1420; Tr. repr. the Crucifixion, S. Jerome and S. Andrew. N. Trans..: Image of the Mater dolorosa anda painting of the Crucifixion, XVI cent. S. Trans.- Statue of the B. V., colored, XV cent. ; Carved altar of XVII cent., over which is an exquisite shrine of wood carved and gilt con- taining relics of the Machabees and their mother; on-either side are 5 events in their history, and at the ends 2 more, placed in® : parallel with the lives of Christ and the B. V., XV cent. N. Aisle: = 2 sarcophagi containing the remains of S. Undaline and the cele- brated philosopher Albertus Magnus, removed hither from the old church of the Dominicans. S. Aisle - Statue of the B. V., XVI cent. Painting repr. our Lady of the Rosary protecting a multi- tude of her clients, S. Dominic ands. Peter Marty, 1575. Sacristy : Small case for relics, XII cent. Chas uble, stole and maniple of Albertus Magnus, Bp. of Ratisbonne, who died in the Dominican convent here in 1280; they are made of a light blue silk plush, the stole and maniple are embroidered. 2 Reliquaries, XIV and XV cent.; and a Pax and Chalice of XVI cent. S. Mary’s, in the Lang-Gasse, was erected in 1678 by J. J. de