The City of Antwerp presents the collections of the various Antwerp City Museums and Heritage Institutions through this website. By using this website, you agree to the following general guidelines and conditions.
Content of the website
This website makes available Works and data from the collections of vzw Museum Mayer van den Bergh and AG Culturele Instellingen Antwerpen/Erfgoed, being:
The registration and digitisation of our collections is done with the greatest care. However, the information given may contain inaccuracies. In case of doubt about the content, please contact the managing Institution .
No rights can be derived from the data on this website.
AG Culturele Instellingen Antwerpen/Erfgoed and Vzw Museum Mayer van den Bergh cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever caused by the content, use or links on and to this website.
Copyright and legal restrictions
PUBLIC DOMAIN: A Work belonging to the public domain is offered as far as possible in high quality and downloadable. In this case, you may copy, share and edit the Work or the media file (scan, photo, video or audio recording), even for commercial purposes.
CC 0: If the institution itself is the copyright holder of a Work (e.g. because the copyright was transferred to the institution by the author), we release the Work under a CC 0 licence. This means that you may download, copy, share and edit the Work or media file, even for commercial purposes. When adapting or referring to the Work, you may not indicate that this implies approval by the author or rights holder.
The descriptions and metadata of all Works on the website are also released under a CC 0 licence.
COPYRIGHT: Our collections also include Works that are still in copyright, or where there is copyright on the media file, even if the Work itself is in the public domain.
We always try to obtain a licence from the rights holders so that we can at least publish the Work on our website, but this is not always possible. Therefore, there are 2 ways in which we publish Works and media files in copyright on the website:
1. Not visible: We have no licence or permission to display the Work or media file. You can only view and download data about the Work.
2. Visible, low resolution: We have a licence with the rights holders or with a management company to use the Work or media file on our own channels. You may not copy or use the Work or media file in any way without permission from the rights holders. If you wish to use the Work please contact the managing institution or Unisono for more information.
OTHER LEGAL RESTRICTIONS: In addition to copyright, there are other legal restrictions such as neighbouring rights, portrait rights, privacy laws or contractual agreements that may stipulate that a Work is not shown or is only shown in low resolution.
EXCEPTIONS: Would you like to request a Work from our collections that is not downloadable for private, educational or research purposes? Please contact the managing institution.
We aim to determine the rights status of Works and photographs or recordings as completely and accurately as possible. If you notice an inaccuracy or believe you have a copyright claim to any Work or media file on this website, please notify the managing institution.
Source reference
When using a Work, a media file or data that you have downloaded from our website, we kindly ask you to add the minimum name or source attribution found on the Rights page.
If used in a publication, the managing institution will gladly receive a copy for its archive or library.