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COURTRAI. 7. Route. 19
From GuHEent To OvupEN
ay in 3/, hr. (fares 2 fr. 70
4 fr. 80, 1 fr. 6
AARDE, 17 M., 3
to Levze, 36 M., /s-2hrs. (5 fr. 60, 3 fr. 70, 2 fr.
Ns vid St. Ghislain, 581/2 M., in 3-31/, hrs. (8 fr. 90c., 6 fixes
Stations: areth, Gat 1), Synghem, Eyne, and
(p. 54), i of the line from ls to Courtrai
(R. 5), and of a branch-line vid Leupeghem (see belc and Avelghem
(p. S1) to Mouscron (p. 81). Then Leupeghem and Etichove. 26 M..Renaix
(Hot. Ville-de-J H6 PUnivers), a town with 21,200 inhab., in un-
dulating environs, po an old church (St. Hermés) with an interesting
Romanesque crypt (brane to Enghien-Courtrai, to Sotteghem - Burst-
Alost, and to Tournai Then Anvaing, Frasnes-lez-Buissenal (junction
m-tramw - 82, and Ath, p. 7), Grandmetz, Leuze
(junction of the els- Lille » Pp. 1), Basécles, Blaton (p. 6), Ville-
Pommeroeul, St. Ghislain (p. 6). — 581/2 M. Mo $, see p. 213.
SM. Deurle (to the castle of Hooidonk 3/4 hr., see p. 78); 10M.
Astene. — 11 M. Deynze (30 ft.), a small town on the Leée or Lys,
with an old church, is the junction of the line to Dunkirk (seep. 47);
steam-tramway to Oudenaarde (p. 52). — 131/,M. Machelen; 151/) M.
Olsene. — 181/, M. Waereghem, junction for the connecting line
between (6 M.) Anseghem (p. 53) and (91 2M.) Ingelmunster (p.50).
— 2114/5 M. Desselghem. 24M. Harlebeke, with a Romanesque church
and belfry and a monument to the composer P. Benoit (1834-1901),
a native of the place. Tobacco is extensively grown here.
20/9 M. Courtrai. — Hotels. Hér. pu Dawter (PL.
a; B, 3), Grand’
Place; Hor. Rorar (Pl. b; B, 3), R.2fr., HOr. pe Gano (Pl. c: B, 3), 25 R.
i 2/8 ODE 258 ir., both Hor. pu Norp (PI. d;
but good, all t S
és in the Grand’ Place.
sh Protestant Church, Rue
t 441.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.;
andenpeereboom 42. — Two
in the Grand’
Ts the town.
Courtrai, Flem. Kortryk (60 ft.), the Roman-Celtic Cortoriacum,
situated on the Lys, which is connected with the Scheldt by a canal,
is a pleasant town (35,000 inhab.) largely planted with trees.
quantities of linen, twine, nay
s. Large
ery, and cotton goods are produced,
and there is still a considerable trade in lace. The flax of Courtrai
enjoys a high reputation.
Below the walls of Courtrai, on 11th July, 1302, was fought the famous
Battle of the Spurs. in which the Flemish army, led by Count John of
Namur and Duke William of Juliers, and consisting chiefly of weavers
from Bruges and Ypres, under the guild-presidents Breidel and De Conine
of Bruges (p. 36), French under the Count of Artois. Several
thousand of the re killed, including about 1200 kn 3, from
whom the victors afterwards collected 700 golden spur ever
this defeat Charles VI. of France burned Courtrai to the ound in 1382,
after the French victory at Roosebeeke.
From the station (PI. B, 3) the Rue des Grandes-Halles leads to
the right to the Marché-aux-Avoines, which cont
by T. Vingotte, of Jan Palfyn (4.1730; Pl. 7), a native of Courtrai
and inventor of the forceps. — From the end of the street the Rue
de Tournai leads to the left to (4 min.) the —
Marxer Pracz (Groote Markt or Grand’ Place; Pl. B, C,2, 3), in
the centre of which rises the Belfry (‘Tour des Petites Halles’ ;
Pl. 3), a Gothic brick building of the 44th century. To the right
ains a bronze statue, |