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A6 Route 4. YPRES.
The Tower (348 steps), which is always open, commands an ex-
tensive view. Part of the late-Gothic Cloisters (Pl. 1, B, 3; not
accessible) is seen from above.
In the square in front of the W. end of the church is a marble
monument of the burgomaster and statesman Alph. Vandenpeere-
boom (PI. 2, B, C, 3; d. 1884). — The square to the E. of the church
is called St. Maartens Klooster. Here, opposite the Nieuwerk (p. 44),
is the Conciergerie (Pl. ©, 3), a late-Renaissance edifice of 1633. To
the left of it are two Gabled Houses, in the Renaissance style.
The NortH Quartsr of the town also contains a number of
interesting old houses. Among these may be mentioned No. 2, Rue
d’Elverdinghe (Pl. A, B, 3), with a baroque gable; No, 2, Rue di
Boesinghe; three former Guild Houses (Nos. 15, 19, 24) in the
Marché-au-Bétail (PJ. B, 2), including that of the Seamen (No. 15;
1629); and No. 49 in the Surmont de Volsberghe Straat. — The
Maison Biebuyck (Pl. C, 2), Rue de Dixmude 54, dating from 1544,
is a beautiful Gothic gabled house. No. 66 in the same street has
a baroque facade of the 17th century.
In the Marché-Bas or Neermarkt, nearly opposite the Cloth Hall
on the 8. W., is the Msar Marker (Boucherie; Pl. B, C, 3), a double-
gabled Gothic house, the lower stories of which, in hewn stone, date
from the 13th century. On the first floor is the Municipal Museum
(open free on Sun., 11-4 & 2-4; at other times 50 c.; no catalogue).
Entrance at the back (concierge at No. 24).
On or near the walls of the StatrcasE are a waggon from Goes in
Zeeland (18th cent.), the original woodcut of an old plan of Ypres ({6th cent.),
and other objects of interest. — Room]. Natural history and ethnological
collections ; porcelain, fayence, chests, cabinets, beam-ends, and other articles
in carved wood. Among the pictures is the Prodigal Son, by Jan Thomas. —
Room I. Fine chimney-piece with a view of the Grand’ Place of Ypres, old
views of the city, the archive-chest of the Clothmakers, coins and medals.
In the centre, drawings of the facades of old Ypres houses, by Aug. Bohm
(4848). Paintings: 63. Jan Thomas, Penitents; Rubens, 42. Miracles of
St. Benedict (sketch), 43. Landscape; 9. Pieter Brueghel the Younger (2),
Flemish fair; opposite, 58. Pieter Steenwyk, The painter in his studio; 40.
Is. van Ostade (?), Pig-killing. — An adjacent room contains old leathern
hangings and wood-carvings.
Opposite the Cloth Hall is the wide Rue de Lille, or Ryssel-
Straat. At No. 38 in this street (right) is the BsLnE-Gasruurs or
Hospice Belle (Pl. 0, 4; fee), an asylum for old women, founded
about 1279 by Christine de Guines, widow of Salomon Belle, and
altered in 1616. The chapel contains a votive painting (Madonna
and Child with SS. George and Catharine and the donors; retouched)
and a polychrome votive relief, both dating from 1420. In the ante-
chapel are old gravestones (15-46th cent.).
The Horen Mercuruyncx (PI. ©, 4), at the corner of the Rue
de Lille and the Marché-aux-Vieux-Habits (Oude Kleermarkt),
built in 1774-77, has been fitted up since 1892 as a museum of the
18th cent., with antique furniture, china, drawings, and engravings
(adm. 10-12 & 2-4, 5, or 6; fee 4 fr.; catalogue 2t/, iu): |