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DIXMUDE. 4. Route. 47
The Steenen, Rue de Lille 66-68, a Gothic pee of the 14th
cent., was converted into the Post Office (Pl. ©, 4) in 1902 and
enlarged by an addition on the right. Farther on, ‘to the left, is the
church of St. Peter (P1. D, 5), begun in 1073; the W. portal is Roman-
pS, the rest has been modernized. The Hospice St. Jean (Pl.
, D, 5), founded in 1277, contains a room (‘Ouvroir des Seurs’) in
ai Renaissance style (1555). — The tasteful Gothic timber fagade
of the ‘Maison de Bois’, at No. 198 Rue de Lille, beside the Porte
de Lille (Ryssel-Poort; Pl. D, 6), is also worth seeing.
An attractive walk may be taken in the pretty promenades laid
out on the site of the old ramparts on each side of the Porte de Lille
From Ypres to Roulers, see p. 50. — Steam Tramway to (20 M.) Furnes,
AJ. — Another steam-tramway runs to Ore M.) Kemmel (Hot. Le-
, whence one bra of it goes on to (13 M.) re ton (Waasten),
r to (8!/2 M.) -Eglise (Nieuwkerke) and thence across the
oO ck, on the line from Lille to Hazebrouck. The
ere on the Montagne de Kemmel (512 ft.) commands an extensive
pan pam (adm. 10c.). — Steam-tramway via (12 M.) Gheluwe (p. 81) to
(14 [.) Menin (p. 53)
HE AND Hazesrouck, 19}/2 M., railway in 4 hr.
on is (6 a): Poperinghe, a town with 11,700
a church (St. Bertin’ s) of about 1300, with an
und a carved oaken pulpit. Hops are extensively
Steam-tramways to Dixmude (see below) and to
_— ” Bey id (10 M.) Abeele the line crosses the French
1.) Godewaersvelde and (15 M.) ee and joins the
at (191/2 M.) Hazebrouck (p.
ine is continued to Comines (p. 53), Armen-
ped a Ypres the
titres, and Lille (p. 4).
er GHENT a Ninurort (5441/5 M., in 2-31/, hrs.; fares
r. 30 c.) AnD To Dunxrrx (671/y M., in 3!/
fr. 60, 7 fr. 20, 4 fr. 35 ¢.).
Ghent, see fete 3. — Ose: to (14 M.) Deynze, junction for
Courtrai and Lille, see pp. 78, 79. — 4141/5 M. Grammene; 17 M.
Aerseele, junction of a steam-tramway to Courtrai, see p. 81.
201/5M. Thielt (145 ft.; Hot. de la Plume), an old town with 11,600
inhab., once a busy cloth-making place, as its cloth hall and belfry
indicate. Branch-line hence to (7 pee Ingelmunster, see p. 50.
Steam-tramways to Hecloo (20'/) M.; p. 78) via Aeltre (p. 2) and
Ursel (to Ghent, see p. 78; to Bruges, see p. 24); and to Hooglede
(20!/o M.; p. 50) vid Swevezeele (8 M.; p. POA), Ardoye (4111/5 M.;
see below), and Roulers (161/. M.; p. 50). ;
231/5 M. Pitthem ; 26 M. Ardoye-Coolscamp.
34 M. Lichtervelde (see p. 50). —35 M. Cortemarck, the junc-
tion of the Ostend and Ypres line (see p. 43).
43 M. Dixmude, Flem. Diksmuide (25 ft.; Hot. de Divmude), is a
it little town on the Yser. The parish-church of St. Nicholas con-
tains a fine *Rood Loft, in the richest Flamboyant style, ascribed to
Urban Taillebert (p. 45), an Adoration of the Magi by Jordaens (1644),
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