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382 Route 43. AMSTERDAM. Ryks Museum:
furniture, terracottas, and works in stucco. To the right, by the
window, is a coloured stucco relief after Donatello (Madonna Pazzi).
— Sretron 172. On the stand by the window are Dutch wooden
sculptures representing the Bearing of the Cross and the Visitation
(end of the 45th cent.). In the middle are ten bronze *Zomb
Statues of members of the Burgundian royal house, by Jacques de
Gérines of Brussels (d. 1462 or 1463). — Szorton 171. Altar
with an antependium of ca. 1400. On the stands by the window
are wooden sculptures from the organ-case of the church of Naarden
(after 1500). In the middle are Dutch and German wood-carvings
(15-46th cent.) and a stone Pieta (Dutch). On the side next the
court is a Florentine ‘cassabanca’, or chest used also as a seat
(ca. 1500).
Rooms 167 and 166. The central pillar is a reproduction from
the church at Wouw. Beside the entrance to Section 166: Engraved
copper tablet from the tomb of Gysbert Willemsz de Raet (d. 1505)
in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Gouda. Gothic *Pulpit
from the conyent-church at Uden (end of the 15th cent.). Embroid-
ered antependium. Three Cases contain ecclesiastical vessels,
candelabra, censers, monstrances, and chalices, chiefly of the 15th
cent.; in the second case, Byzantine horn, crook of a bishop’s staff
(French, 46th cent.), and other ivory carvings. On the left of the
pillar is a design in stucco, by Jac. della Quercia, for the ‘Justitia’
on the Fonte Gaia at Siena; on the right, Death of the Virgin, a
wood-carving of the second half of the 15th century. In the corner-
cabinet, opposite, are fragments of a Gothic altar from the church
of Soest, near Utrecht (end of the 15th cent.).
Room 165. Stained Glass. The W. (left) stained-glass windows
are from the Oosterkerk at Hoorn, the first showing the arms of
Alkmaar (1573), the second representing the sea-fight off Hoorn
between the Dutch and the Spaniards in 1573. The N.E. window
(opposite), from the convent of St. Agatha, has a kneeling portrait
of Prince Maurice of Orange. The S.E. window is from the Pro-
testant church at Oostburg. Pulpit from the church of Susteren
(after 1600). Model of the organ of the Lutheran church at
Amsterdam before the fire of 1823. — Show-cases with bindings
and leather-work of the 16th and following centuries.
The following room (164, 163), constructed in the style of a
Dutch council-chamber of the 44th cent., now contains the Tertile
Collection, including both ecclesiastical and secular specimens
(catalogue, see p. 380). Large Gothic cupboard, from a chapter-
house in Utrecht (44th cent. ); above, two pieces of tapestry (end of
the 15th cent.), with fantastic scenes from the Burgundian court.
Oriental carpets, ecclesiastical vestments, and costly textile fabrics.
On a stand beside the Gothic cupboard is a *Portion of a chasuble,
with a representation of the Death of the Virgin (ca. 1500).
Rooms 162, 161, arranged in imitation of a 15th cent. room |