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KATWYK AAN ZEE. 41. Route. 803
From LeypEn To Karwyk AAN ZEE, steam-tramway 20 times
daily in summer, in 20 min. (fares 15,40 c.; departure from the
Stations-Weg, Pl. B, 1); also small steamer (attractive trip) from
the Kort Galgewater (Pl. B, 2), 8 times daily (except Sun.), in
41/, hr. (fares 20 or 10 c.).
The tramway passes Endegeest, for many years the residence of
Descartes (Cartesius, 1596-1650), who wrote his chief mathema-
tical and philosophical works here. 3M. Rynsburg, the residence of
Spinoza (p. 376) in 1660-63 ; his house, shaded by ash-trees, stands
at the W. end of the village, in the Spinoza-Laan, and since 1899
has accommodated a small Spinoza Museum. — 4 M. Katwyk aan
den Ryn or Katwyk-Binnen, at the junction with the road coming
from The Hague via Wassenaar (p. 340). The church of Katwyk
contains the tomb of W. van Lier and his wife, by R. Verhulst.
About 41/4, M. to the N.W. lies —
Katwyk aan Zee. — Hotels & Pensions, all on the dunes. *GRanp-
Héter pu Rurs, 80 BR. at 11/2-3l/o f., B. 60c., D. 21/2, pens. 4-6 fl., with
restaurant and té x t Bab-Horet, 48 R. from 13/, fl. (incl. B.), D. 2,
pE Zwaan, 10 B., pens A fl.; PENsIon
RTRUDA, pens. 4 N Kevryt, p gl ZEERUST, VILLA
, Vita Lixt, ZeEvucut, elc., pens. ca. 3 fl. — Sea-bath 25-40 c,
Katwyk aan See, a fishing village with 8000 inhab., who send
over 70 smacks to the herring-fishery, has been frequented as a sea-
side resort since 1848. It has a picturesque old church and the old
lighthouse (17th cent.) affords a fine view. At the N. end of Katwyk
is the mouth of a canal (constructed in 1807) closed with huge
gates, which assists the Old Rhine to empty itself into the sea. At
low tide the gates are opened for 5-6 hours in order to permit the
accumulated waters to escape, and the masses of sand thrown up by
the sea are thus again washed away. A pleasant walk or cycle-ride,
pest at low tide, may be taken along the beach to (33/4 M.) Noord-
wyk aan Zee.
From LeypEn to Noorpwyk AAN Zzz, 6 M., steam-tramway,
starting at the Stations- Weg (Pl. B, 1), 12 times daily in summer, in
1 hr., via Rynsburg (see above) and Noordwyk-Binnen (fare 35 or
25 c.); also steamboat to Noordwyk-Binnen 2-4 times every week-
day, starting from the Mare-Brug (P1. ©, 2; fare 20 or 1421/5 c.).
The village of Noordwyk-Binnen, picturesquely situated on an
arm of the Old Rhine, has a Gothic church of the 15th century.
It is a rival of Haarlem in the cultivation of tulips, hyacinths, and
other bulbs.
Noordwyk aan Zee. — Hotels & Pensions, all on the dunes, Hoven
Huis rer Dury, at the tramway-terminus, with eight dépendances, 200 R. at
43/4 fl., B. €0 c. ens. 5-8 fl. (gratuities 4%/y of the bill),
German, with café wuran SION ZEE EN Duin, 20 RB. pens. 5-61/2 fl.,
open all the vear round; Pe n Matuitpe,. 12 R., pens. 43/56 fl., German;
H6ret van Ruiten, 20 R. r8 fl.; Hore, Kony URG, With café-
restaurant ; Penston Noor z T0R., pens. 3-31 BoE SoLeE Mio, 29R.,
pens. 3 fl, — Rustic lodgi in the village. — Sea-bath 40 c. (ladies 30 c.).
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