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354 Route 42. HAARLEM.
Practical Notes.
Noordwyk aan Zee, 1 M. to the N.W. of Noordwyk-Binnen and
3 M. to the W, of the station of Piet-Gyzeubrug (p. 314; one-horse
carr. 13/, fl.), is the most prettily situated watering-place on the
Dutch coast, and has numerous German visitors, From the Koepeltje
(view -tower) on the lofty dunes we command fine views as far
Leyden on the §.E., Zandvoort and Ymuiden on the N.E.,
Scheveningen on the S.W. Inland lies the Noordwyksche Bosch.
42, Haarlem.
Hotels. *Granpv-H6ret FuNckier (Pl. a; D, 2, 3), Kruisstraat 8, 1/, M.
from the station, with restaurant and arden, 00 R. from Q'/2 fl., B. 8
dej. & la carte, D. 3 fl. — Hore, pe LeEEuweERIK (‘the Laake byeD)
Kruisstraat 30, with the Café Poort van Cleve and garden, 380 R. at 41/5-2,
B. 3/4, déj. 4's, D. (incl. wine) 2", fl., good; Goupen Lrguw (Lion @ Or;
Pl. c, D, 1), Kruisweg 86, with café-restaurant, £0 R. at il/2 fl., B. 80c.,
D. 41/2 fl.; Horen pr xa Sratioy (PI. d ;D, 1), at the station, R. & B. from
13/; fl.; Ho6tEL Sv. Jay, Jansweg 20 (Pl. D, E, 2), with restaurant, 25 R. at
11/,-41/2 fl. (incl. B.). — Outside the town, near the Forest (p. 360), are two
good houses for a prolonged stay: HOr, WAPEN VAN AMSTERDAM; H6r,
Roozen, 30 R. at 2-3, pens. 41/2-51/> fl,
Cafés - Restaurants. Brinkmann, Groote Markt 9, déj. 4, D. 11/2 fl.,
de Kroon, Groote Markt 18, D. 41/; f., both good, with Munich and Pilsen
beer; Café Neuf, Groote Houtstraat 176. — Lunch Room, Groote Houtstraat A,
— Railway Restaurant. — Café-restaurant in the Frederiks-Pa rk, see p. 360.
Tramways (fares 5-10 c.). 4. From the station (Pl. D, 1) through the
Kruisweg, Kruisstraat, past the Town Hall (p. 356), and through the Groote
Houtstraat, Houtplein, and Dreef to the above-mentioned hotels near the
0 c.,
Forest (p. 360). — 2. ‘Ceintuurbaan’ (electric), starting from the station
and making the circuit of the whole town. — 3. From the station to
the Klever-Laan (beyond Pl. C, 1). — 4. From the Gedempte Oude Gracht
(Pl. C, 4) to the Zylweg (Pl. A, 1). — 5. From the Station, electric {ram-
way to Bloemendaal (p. 361), every '/y hr.; fare 10 c.
Electric Railways (comp. Van Santen’s Reisgids No. 225). From the
Tempeliers-Straat (Pl. B, 6) vid Halfweg-Sloterdyk msterdam, every
10 min., fares 40 c., there and back 60 from the 14 I s-Straat to
Zandvoort (p. 364), every 10 min. (every 20 min. in winter), f 25 c., there
and back 83 c. — Steam Tramways (comp. Van Santen’s Reisgids Nos. 243,
226). From the Forest (p. 3C0) to Leyden, in 2 hrs.; from the Kennemer
Plein (Pl. D, 4) vid Beverwyk (p. 410) to Alkmaar (p. 440), in 2'/4-21/2 hrs,
Steamboats. To Zaandam (p. 406; fares 50, 35 c.) 4 times daily, start-
ing from the Nieuwe Gracht, near the Jansweg (Pl. D, 2, 3). To Amster-
dam vii Spaarndam twice daily except Sun. (fare 40c.), starting from
the Kaasmarkt (Pl. D, 4).
Cabs (stand at the station); same tariff as in Amsterdam (p. 365).
Bookseller. J. M. Stap, Groote Houtstraat 65. — Free Enquiry Office
in the kiosque in the Stations-Plein (ESD 1):
Principal Attractions (1 day). Groote Markt, with the Meat Market
and Groote Kerk (p. 356; free organ-recital on Tues., 1-2, and Thurs., 2-3) 5
Municipal Museum (p. 856); open on week-days 10-4, Oct. 15th-April 11th
10-3, adm. 25¢.; free on Sun. 12 8); Teyler Museum (p. 359; open free
Mon.-Frid. 14-4, Oct.-April 11-3, closed on Sat., Sun., & holidays). Forest
of Haarlem (p. 860). Excursion to Overveen (p. 261) and Bloemendaal
(p. 861), or to Zandvoort (p. 361).
Haarlem, with 70,348 inhab., the seat of the governor of the pro-
vince of N. Holland,
in Holland,
one of the cleanest and most attractive towns
and possessing several thriving manufactories, lies on |