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Stadhuis. LEYDEN. 41. Route. 349
New Empire. At the entrance is a large basalt sarcophagus, with the figure
of the deceased on the lid and covered with representations and religious
hieroglyphics (26th Dynasty; 6th cent. B.C.). ET. 446. Chapel or shrine
ted to a temple by King Amasis in the 6th cent. B.C., formed from
block of granite. By the left wall are steles and small sepulchral
1. 33-44 nb of Ptahmes. By the window, £ 1. 45. Tomb
E to the left, fine tomb-reliefs (notably
small stone with at ize). To the tight, bebind, er. 47.
ief from the tomb of the d subseq t King, Hor-em-heb
cent. B.C.), with typical representation of Asiatics abasing themselves
rt. 88. Double statue of Maja and Merit.
ascend the staircase to Room XXVI, which contains mum-
mies and small antiquiti of New Emp A glass-case near the
entrance contains ; --coffins that fitinto one another. To the
aft of the entr bronzes and ornaments; fine gold
ornaments lue enamelled and the alabaster vessels
1 ar-wall are wooden cases for canopic jars.
ecimens of papyrus MSS. and a few textile fabrics,
zht to Room XXVII, v
leads to the
ch contains human mummies and
mummies of mals (some unwrapped). — Thence we descend the stair-
case to the exit.
Farther on, on the left side of the Breestraat, is the building
of the Minerva Club (P1. ©, 3), to which most of the students belong.
On the right side of the street (No. 59) is the Gemeenlandshuis van
Ryniand (P1. 0, 3), probably built by Lieven de Key (p. 355) in
4596-98, restored in 1878. Opposite is the municipal Gehoorzaal
(Pl. ©, 3), built by Knuttel (1891), for concerts, etc.
A little farther on, to the left, rises the *Stadhuis (Pl. 0, D, 3),
one of the most successful examples of the Dutch style of the close
of the 16th cent., with a lofty flight of steps. The picturesque
broach-spire on the rear-side was added after a fire in 1577, and
twenty years later the facade, with its lofty pediment and richly
decorated portal, was completed from designs attributed to Lieven
de Key. The building was enlarged in the 17th century. The in-
terior (adm. daily, 10-4) is still as it was in the 17th cent., though
the rooms appear modernized. In the former Archive Room is some
good carved panelling of 1607. Over the side-entrance on the N.
is the following inscription:
S -D VIzent MensCHEN : zo VEEL WI CVxsteN WensCuen’
i literally: When the black famine had brought to the death nearly
six t sand pe ns, then God the Lord repented of it, and gave us bread
again as much as we could wish).
This inscription, which refers to the siege of 1574, is a chrono-
gram, the capitals (W reckoned as two V’s) recording the date, and
the 134 letters the number of days the siege lasted.
A little to the N., on the Old Rhine, Aalmarkt 24, is the City
oe b aes ae a
Weigh House and Butter Markel (Pl. ©, 3), built in 1658 by Pieter
Post. The sculptures are by R. Verhulst. — From this point we
turn to the S.E., cross the Vischbrug (Pl. D, 3), and follow the
bank of the Nieuwe Ryn (fine view of the Stadhuis tower) to the |