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to Namur. NAMOUR. 18. Route. 221
oe a dilapidated old castle; 75 M. Atseaw. — 61/2 M. Tamines
2 ft.), a small town with 2500 inhabitants.
From Taminzs To GEMBLOUX VIA FLEURUs, 15 M., railway in 3/4 hr.
3 fr. 40, 4 fr. 60, 95c.). OSl/eM. Fleurus, see p. 244. — From TaMines
IX VIA JE MEPPE-SUR- SAMBRE, 1421/2 M., railway in 3/s hr. (fares
80, 80c.). 3M. JERE sur-Sambre (see below); D!/2 M. Onoz-
. — Gemblouz, see p-
m TaminEes TO Dixant, 29 M., een in 13/,-2 hrs. (fares 4 fr. 60c.,
; ed, The chief stations are Fosse (010 ft.), well-known for
St. Feuillen’, celebrated every seven years (last in 1907);
d, oe EL a light railway runs to Namur (see p. 224); (131/2M.)
ele t (Croix < de Bourgogne), junction for the branch-line ie Acos (p. 220);
, junction of a line to Florennes-Est 220); Denée-
. d@Emmaiis), with a large Benedictine ae ent built in
; and (20!/2 mk ) Falaén. About 1 M. from the last-named station,
sing and picturesquely situated
st relic of the kind in Belgium.
nt. and partly rebuilt after numer-
ous si ; played a prominent part in the history of the district, and
¥ as Baws up by the Fre i four years after the destruction of
yuvignes (p. 225). In the vicinity are the Grotte du Suwreau and other
rehistoric caverns 231/2 M. Warnant (light railway to Lesve, p. 224).
M. Anhée (p. 225), on the Meuse. — 29 M. Dinant (p. 226).
To the right is situated the suppressed abbey of Ste. Marie
d’ Oignies, now an extensive mirror-manufactory. Stations: Auvelais,
Jemeppe - sur - Sambre (see above), Moustier, and Franiere. — To
the right of (84 M. ) Floreffe (Hétel de la Station, R. 11/9, D.11/, fr.),
with glass-works, picturesquely situated on an eminence, rises the
Premonstratensian abbey of Floreffe, founded by St. Norbertin 1121,
afterwards rebuilt in the baroque style, and now a seminary for
priests. Aboot 3/4 M. from the pen are stalactite caves, called
Grottes de Floreffe (adm. 1-3 pers. 3 fr.), at the entrance to which
are exhibited some prehistoric and Roman relics. Le Préat, the
hill above the grotto, is surmounted by a castle built in the antique
style (restaurant). The Grottes Biernaux, with curious stalactite
formations, are perhaps more interesting (guide in the estaminet
to the right of the road, 1-11/y fr. each pers.).
To the left, farther on, are the abbey-buildings of Malonne,
now a conyentual school, with an ancient church. On the hill is a
fort (steam-tramway, see p. 224). — 861/, M. Flawinne. The
valley of the Sambre here is thickly studded with ancient chateaux,
modern villas, and manufactories.
astle of *Montsigle, the
chold, founded in the 13th
90 M. Namur. — Hotels. In the town: Hover p’Haxscamp (Pl.a;
D, 2), Rue de )’Ange, an old- established house, with an elegant restaurant
and a smal] garden, oo ae at A- Ss B. 11/2, déj. 31/2, D. Al/2, pens. 12-15, omn.
1 fr.; Sr. AuBarN (PJ. b; ©, 2), Place St. Aubain, near the Cathedral, with
a pretty garden; Hor. DE LA Bande (Pl. ¢; D, 2), Place de la Monnaie 5,
40 R. at “8-B, B. 1, déj. 18/45, D. 2/2 fr. — Near the station. H6r. pz
Houianve (PI. £3 60 R. at aa, B. 1 fr.; Hér, pz FLANDue (Pl.
fair ; NNE (Pl. f; D, 1), these three with cafés-restaurants ;
H6r. pv Norp, Rue Mathieu 11 (PI. D, 1), R. 2-3, B. 3/4-4, D. 2, S. 4/2 fr.,
plain. — Grand-H6tel. Namur- Citadelle, see p. 994.
Cafés. At the hotels near the station (see above); also, Gambrinus, Taverne
Centrale, both in the Grand’ Place. — Continental Bodega, Rue Emile-
Cuvelier 31, — Railway Restaurant. |