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to Antwerp. MALINES. 12. Route. 159
blished throughout England by royal command, and appointed to be
laced in every church for the of the people.
We catch a distant view here, on the right, of the village of Perck
(11/> M. from the railway), near which is the farm-house of Drie
Toren, once the country-seat of David Teniers the Younger(d. 1690
buried in the church of Perck).
1 the village of Elewyt, 13/4 M. to the E. of (81/5 M.) Eppeghem,
stands the old chateau of Steen, purchased for 93,000 florins by
Rubens in 1635 as a summer-resort (restored). — 10 M. Weerde.
The huge tower of the cathedral of Malines now becomes conspicuous
in the distance. The train crosses the Louvain Canal.
3 M. Malines. — Hotels (all panei
Near the Railway Sta ation ( (Pla
with restaurant; comp.
e, 12 R. from 2,
Grand’ Place 29, D. 2 fr.
e Grand’ Place (P1. B, C, 3).
per hr. 11/2 fr., each addit.
e (Pl. 11; ©, 3), Rue de Beffer,
ce may be obtained at the
-Apdtres 11 (Pl. A, 2), and from
D, 3).
Rubens in the churches of
, and the old houses on tl
eaccomplished in half-a-day.
; Bruul 15;
— Cab. Per dr
.— Post & Telegraph Off
, the paintings by
th e Palais de Ju
ud x Avoines may
Ae ancient town of Malines (26 ft.), Flem. Mechelen (59,000
inhab.), situated on the tidal river Dyle, which flows through the
town in numerous arms, was long the ecclesiastical capital of the
Netherlands and is still the seat of the primate. The quietness of
the town, which contains many interesting old buildir form
strong contrast to the busy scene at the station, which possesses ex
railway-workshops and is the focus of the Liége-Louyain-
Ostend, Antwerp-Brus id NV St-Nicolas railways.
Malines, the medi lina (lat. Mechlinia), be e in 915 a pos-
ion of the Bishops though in matters it had
long been subject to the diocese of Cambrai. r the family of Berthold
or Berthoud, the episcopal stewards, it gait 5
an almost independent pcs
ition in 1243, but in 4339 Bishop Adolf de Ja Marck sold the consistently
rebellious town to Count Louis of Flanders. In 1369 it was incorporated
with Burgund d in 1473 it became the seat of the Provincial Court
or Gre the supreme tribun: 1 in the Netherlands. After the
death the Bold his widow, Margaret of York, took up her
abode in Maline and here we
of Austria, Philip the Handsome (p.
brated as regent of the Ne fest
of Hungary (p. 101) , Marga ret’s sssor, transferre d her residence to
S 546, and Mz as” compensated in 1560 by being made
ut of an archbishopric, the holder of which was primate of the Nether-
The first archbis shop was Antoine Perrenot de Granvella (d. 1586),
r of Charles V. and Philip Il. and minister of Margaret of Parma
xiii), who was created cardinal in 1561, but left the Netherlands in
ipo (comp. p. xxx).
From the Railway Station (Pl. ©, 6) we follow the Rue Con-
broug ht up the children of Maximi
xiii) and Margaret of Austria (d. 0),
nd instructress of Charles V, Maria |