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ANTWERP. 13. Route. 165
(R. 9b) is on the left bank of the Scheldt, but there is a ticket and luggage
offi on the Quai St. Michel (Pl. A, 5), on the right ban tickets taken
there include the ferry across the river. — Cabs, see p. 166,
Hotels (comp. p. xiv). Jn the Old Town: Hore. Sr. AntoIneE (Pl. a;
B, 4), Place Verte 40 w with central- heating and restaurant, 200 R. (60 with
bathrooms) at 5-10 ee 11/2, D. 6 (in winter 5), pens. 415-2 , omn. 4 fr.;
* f érard 2, with central-heating and small
garden, 2 Dette OS a B. 1'/2, déj. 3!/2, D. 5, pens. 41-15,
omn. 4 fr.; *HOTEL DE L’EvROPE (Pl. B, 4), Place Vv erte 38, with central-
at 4-8, B. 4!/2 ag. 3, D. 5, pens. 122-16, omn. 4 fr.;
— HOTEL DES FLANDRES (Pl. e; B D> Place Verte 9,
44-15, omn. ; patronized by
HOTEL DE LA Pas (Pie cseBs A).
B. 1/2, déj. 3, D. 4, pens. 40-45
omn. C a E (Pl. g; C, 3), Rue de la Bourse 8,
from 3, B. ae. m3 HS 9 fr., commercial; HOTEL DE LA
2 (D Roos; PI, n, 3), Pont aux Tourbes 3, an old-estab-
staurant, 12 R. at 3 fr. (incl. B.), D. (42-7) 3-3'/2,
2 Hoskin), AO R. at
aun D. 4, per -RESTAUR ST
3), opposite the
toaai Van Dyck.
he Gentral Station: *Granp-Héte, Wesex (Pi. h; D, 3),
min. from the station, 160 R. from Boe -A, B. 13/2, d
. 5, pens. from 12 fr., firs (p.. 166); j
DE LonpkEs (PI. k; D, 3) ly
with good restaurant atta :
(Pl. t; D, 3), e du Péli , Opposite the 'station-
400 RB. at 440, B. 41/2, déj. 8, D. 5, pens. from 12 f
central-heating,; HétEL Mérropoxe (Pl. p; C, 3), Rue
restaurant and central-heating, 62 R. at 3'/2-8, B. 11/4,
10-15, omn, 1 fr. — In the Avenue ser: Hor
(No. 17), 40 R. from 8, B. 4 fr.; HérEL-ResTavRantT Sr.
Hore eIn (No. 74; Pl. s, D, 3), with restaurant, 15 R. at 31/2 , fr (incl. B
eA, fr,3 Hore, pz Municu (No. 51), 15 R. at Q/o-4, B. 3 Je ae fi
2fr.; Héret pv Procres (No. 61), 34 R. 3/4, déj. i/o, D. 2 fr.;
Hore, Dy«stekHuis (Dutch), Place de la Gare re 32; ‘yo L DEL “IxpUSTRIE,
Rue du Pélican; Unron (Pl. u; D, 3), Place de la Gare 32, unpretending.
Pensions. Mile. Kern-Loos, Longue Rue d’Hérenthals 30, 9 R., pens.
xcluding déj.) BY ; Fraulein ‘Kuhlmann, Rue van Dyck 17, 44 R.,
3-8 fr.; Mme. Fernau, Rue des Capuci es Heim, Rue du
Palais 39, for ladies only, 16 R., pens. r.; Bertha Baumeister,
Longue Rue des Aulnes 125; M. Beaujean, Rue -embrandt 8, peas. 5-7 fr.
Cafés. Café Canterbury, Place de Meir 14 (Pl. C, 4A); Café de Vv Em-
pereur, Plz i Café Francais, Café Suisse (Taverne Artois), Place
Verte; Mille Colonnes, Avenue de Keyser 11 (also restaurant; ‘plat du soir’
1/4 fr Grand Café Léopold Premier, Avenue des Arts, corner of the
Chaussée de Maline ee de la Terrasse, Pavillon du Steen, on the Pro-
menoirs (Pl. B, 3, 4; 202), with fine view of the Scheldt, plesserus on
warm evenings. — Uoutectonees Patisserie Meurisse, Marché-aux-Ciuts
Lens, Rue des Tanneurs 16; Blimer, Marché-aux-§ yuliers 15, elegantly hited
up; Locus-Broekaert, Pont de Meir 3; Patisserie du Jardin Zentogtrus (ne )4).
Restaurants (comp. p. Xv). “Rocher de Cancale, Rue des Douze-Mois 19,
adjoining the Exchange and the Place de Meir, 4& la carte only, much
frequented for déjeuner; Au Paon- Royal, eee 2 de ja Gare, a Ja carte
only; “Restaurant du Jardin-Zoologique (p- 301), j. 8, D. 5 fr.; Grand-H6lel
Weber (p. 165), entr. in the Av. des Ar Ses Ee Londres (p. 165), Ay. de
Keyser 60; Restaurant Terminus, p. 1 — *Taverne Rheingau, Place de
Meir 1; Taverne Royale, Pl ace Verte 39, 2fr. (music in the evening);
Restaurant Métr opole, see above. — Taverne Crets, corner of Place Verte and
Rue Nationale; ations St. Jean, see above; Criterium Bar, Ay. de Keyser 25;
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