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Routes to Belgium. For
majority of visitors to Belgium one or
other of the « -rout Dover and Ostend, via Dover and Calais,
yr via Harw and Antwerp, < bed in R. 1, will probably be most
peers are, however, a number of other routes, ihe summer-
yhich are here given. Through-tickets to the chief towns in
ued by most of these, also, in many cases, circular-tickets
3elginm and beyond, and excursion-tickets at reduced rates
cial seaso The steamers are comfortable and provisions (not in-
cluded in the fares given below, except for the great liners) are supplied
on board. The allowance for free luggage is much more liberal than that
international routes through Belgium (comp. p. %
] Lonpon. General Steam Navigation Co. (offices, 15 ‘Trinity Square,
E.C., and 14 Waterloo Place, S.W.) to Ostend, from Irongate and St.
8 Ww harf on Tues. & Sat. (returning ve Thur: in 9-10 hr
inom a
for tours
12s. 6d., fore cabin 6s. To Brussels by this
f pani and 2nd cl. rail. 15s. 1d.; return-tic
35. 2d
ipping Co. 10 Antwerp
Js., provisions 6
same fares
y Steamer to Zee-Brugge (
y ist (returning on Mon. & Thurs.) and
at. in July-Sept. (returning on Sun., Wed., and Frid.)
in ca. 13 I 5 return 25s.
From Gootz. Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Cos Steamer to Antwe
Mon d . (returning on Tues, Thurs., & Sat.) in ca. 22 nee 3.5
thent on Wed. & Sat. (returning on Wed, & Sat.) in
h ont on Wed.
ashire & York
shire "aig
Great Central Rai
turning on Tu
Mon., Wed.,
pay Co.s Steamer to Antwerp on
s., Thurs., & Sat.) in ca. 20 hrs. ;
i6s., return
From New
Shipping Co. (office
castle) to Antwerp on Sat. ng on Wed.) in ca.
30s Ghent on Tues. in ca. 28 hrs.; same fares.
RoM Sout North German Lloyd (Australian or China mail-
steamer) to 4 a month (in each direction) in ca. 418 hrs.;
16s. 6d.
From Lerra. Gibson & Co.'s camer (Office, 64 Commercial St.,
on Tues. & turning on Tues. & Sat.) in ca.
30s., return 50s.; to ‘Ghent on § Sat. (returning on Sat.) in ca. 34 hrs.;
F New York. Red Star Line (office, 9 Broadway, New York) to
Antwerp ly in 8-10 day saloon from ca. 82'/2, 2nd cl. from ca,
40 dollars; also from Boston to Antwerp fortnightly
1. From London to Brussels.
a. Vid Dover and Ostend.
Through-service thrice daily in Seay /2 hrs. (sea-passage 3-31/2 hrs
3rd class by night-service only); ures 11. 18s. 10d., 11. 8s. 4d., 19s. 2d., retur
tickets (valid for one month) 81. 40s. 5d., 7 ie 8d., 1l. 18s. 9d. To Osmern
5-0/2 hrs.; fares 11. 7s. 14d., 19s. 10d., 498. 1 - return-tickets (valid for
two months) 2. 12s. 4d., 11. 17s. 4d., 12. 3s. a Holders of 2nd or 8rd cl
tickets may travel 1st cl. on the steamer for an extra payment of Qs.
The morning train starts from Charing Cross Station and Cannon Street
BaEDEKER’s Belgium and Holland. 15th Edit. 4 |