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and information analysis centers. 9. C. Schultz. Performance measures for libraries and
information centers. 10. H. Voos. Design of a management for technical library information
service. 11. J. Wilson. Improved costing techniques and cost-effective operations for
technical libraries and information centers. Index. H. de J.
BRIEFS. November 1974. SRI, Menlo Park, California 94025, U.S.A. 32 p.
Contents : A-Z listing by subject ; Numerical listing of reports and briefs ; Alphabetical
listing of reports and briefs.
SRI, founded in 1946, is a problem-solving organization that performs basic and applied
research under contract for clients in business, industry, and government in the US and
65 other coutries. Professionals, representing more than 100 disciplines, comprise nearly
two thirds of the 2800 staff members.
SRI performs research for the public sector in such areas as urban management ; health,
éducation and welfare ; environmental management and national security. The Institute
serves also city, state and county governments.
For private commercial and industrial clients, SRI engages in research in new products,
processes and equipment ; new investment opportunities ; corporate strategy and manage-
ment Consulting ; and regulatory policies.
Formerly affiliated with Stanford University, SRI became independent in 1970. It has
offices and laboratories in the U.S., Europe and the Far East.
More than 400 companies around the world are LRPS participants. Participation provides :
1. New LRPS reports as they are issued (five copies each). Some 30 reports are published
each year.
2. One copy each of ail previously published LRPS reports still in print - approximately
200 reports.
3. Inquiry Service - Clients may use the privileges of this service without incurring
additional cost. Replies are based on ”off-the-shelf” nonproprietary information.
4. Consultation with LRPS and SRI authors and professional staff.
5. Microfilm backup to research reports available for viewing in Menlo Park, Los Angeles,
Chicago, New York, London and Tokyo. Loan copies also available from Menlo Park
and London for use in clients’ offices.
6. Report Subject Index, covering ail reports in print, includes subject heading cross-
referenced to ail pertinent LRPS reports plus alphabetical and numerical listings of
the reports.
7. Fifty copies of an Executive Summary for each new report.
8. Extra copies of reports - a quota of 75 per subscription year.
9. Eligibility to participate in various seminars.
Cost. $ 6500 per year for initial two-year primary contract ;
$ 2500 per year for one-year secondary contract, available only to subsidiaries of
companies with a primary membership. H. de J.
88 / Bibliotheekgids — Jg. 51 — Nr. 2 ___________ 1975 |