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Votes. OSTEND. 2. Route. 11
Hér. pe Corocne, R. 2/2, B. 41, déj. 21's eS me 8, pens. from 7 fr. —
In the Place Léopol d- Premier (Pl. © 3): stoL Hotei; Hor. pE La
In the Old Town. Between the Boul. Van Iseghem and the Place d’Armes:
2AND-HOTEL Fontarne (PI. 10; E, 2), Rue de Flandre and Rue Longue,
250 B. from 5, B. 4/2, déj. : D. 5, pens. from 10 fr., prices raised from
July 10th to Sept. 10th; °G H6r. Loporp-DEUx ET DE Franpre (PI. 16;
E R e Flandre 42, 104 beds, R. 3
ROCHESTER @l. 41; Rue Louise 49,
3, D. 4, pe 40-47, . {/2 fr.; Hor. DU CERCLE
), 2), Rue de Ouest 44, 56 beds, R. 212-5, B. 4,
D. 21/23, pens. 8-10
In or near the Place dArmes: Héret pe L’EmPeRevrR (P1. 15; E, 2),
corner of the Rue de Brabant, with a frequented restaurant; Hor. CENTRAL,
corner of the Rue Louise and the Rue de Brabant, 110 beds, R. 3-10,
Bs 1s ad Glee from 1 fr.; Hor. Mérroporr, Place
j 3 14, ; or D. pens. 7-8 fr.; Hor.
3), in the Ma ux-Herbes, 80 beds,
. 8-10, ot 1/2 fr.; HOT. DE uA CLOCHE-
an ies ele a6: or D. 41/2-2 fr.
E 1. 20;E an Rue du
déj. 31/2,
: Avenue
. from 5, B. 11/4, d pens. 10-20 fr. 5
Hor. 22; D, E, 3), St 3), these two
in t le, near the railway E (Pl. 21;
; ; NE (Pl. 23; D, 4), 5 SCORE Oe
pouttTg, AO bed , B. 3s, déj. 2, D
on the Quai near the rail
Most of the hotels are open during tt ason only.
Pensions, Villa Circe, Damm ; pens. 12-15 fr.; Lecomte (Villa
Salambo), Rue de Vienne 13, 42 beds, pens. 8-12 { Thévenet, Rue de
Vienne 7, 20 Be Der } Mon Repos, Rue St. Pétersbourg 11, 20 R.,
pens. 5-8 fr.; , Avenue de Ja Reine 60, 11 R., pens. 7-40 fr
Villa Regina, e la Reine beds, pens. 6-8 fr , and other
Villa Margueri n the new W. quarter.
Private Lodgings. The favourite localities are the Digue, the Rampes
connecting the Boul. hem and Rue Royale with the Digue, and
the Rue R« i ight of the season a room cannot be ob-
tained und y, except in the less desirable streets of the old
town. The rent of a smaJ] suite of rooms (dining-room, drawing-room,
three bedrooms, kitchen) in June is about 300 fr., in July 500 fr., August
00 fr., and September 600 fr. — In taking Bossier the hirer should
meee the rent, the duration of the agree , and the charges for light,
and plain breakfast (usually 1 fr. \ are all clearly expressed
— House Agents: Agence Nouvelle du Littoral, nue Charles
i F. De Smet, Boulevard Van Iseghem 125; ZL. Deslaeve,
Quai de Empereur 33.
Patra In the above hotels. Also: Kursaal Restaurant (Pl. D, 2;
p. 12), D. T/2 fr.; So Littéraire (see below); “Taverne St. Sie
Remactare de IE middve 60 (also bed-rooms); Taverne Mille-Colonnes, Caf
rant du Damier, both in the Place @ Armes; La Terra Zoul. Van
at the corner of the Rue Lou concert in the ning; Bavarian and
Bohemian beer at all these. English ale at the America, Digue de Mer A9,
and the Falstaf’, Place d’Armes 7. — Wine at the Continental ‘Bodega, Digue
de Mer 57; Central Tienda, Digue de Mer 45,
Cafés. Patisserie Noppeney, ‘Digue de Mer 54, in the Gr. sot. d’Ostende
(p. 10), fashionable; at the Kursaal (p. 12), B. 41/2-43/, fr.; Marchal, in
the Theatre (p. 43), Rue de Flandre. The Soc Littéraire (a private club),
on the groundfloor of the Hotel de Ville (PI. E, 3) in the Place d’Armes,
contains a café (always open) and a reading-room to which strangers are
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