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12 Route 2. OSTEND. Practical.
not admitted unless introduced by a member (
3. fr. per month).
Bathing. Bathing-time from 7 a.m. to Tp.m. Ti
valid on day of
gratis, afterwards
<ets (‘coupons’,
ue Only) must be obtained the office on the beach.
At the principal Bathing Place (often crowded, especially from 41 to 12), to
the W. of the Kursaal (Pl. C, 1), and at the Roy al Palace Hotel (p. 10), the
charge for a machine (‘voiture ordinaire’; for not longer than 40 min.), in-
cluding costume and two towels (s erviettes), is 1 fr. (two additional towels
20 c.). A superior machine (‘voiture spéciale’) costs 2 fr., while a machine
de luxe, may be had for 3, or en reserved for any particular hour, for 10 fr.
At the E. bathing-place (Pl. , 4), frequented by the natives, a machine
costs 70 c. Regular bathers ee purchase costumes for themselves (price
3-5 fr., fee for taking charge of them 20c.). A knock with a whip on
the top of the vehicle is the signa) that the horse is being attac hed. The
number and colour of the machine should be noted, as its positi
sometimes changed + while the bather is in the water. Though tk
little oe no da on this co bathers are not allowed to go farther
than 80 or 90 yds. from the shore; those who venture farther are recalled
by Blasts of the watchmen’s horns. Invalids and persons unaccustomed
to sea-bathing may procure the vices of a ‘baigneur or ‘baigneuse’ for
50 c. The bather pulls the string in the inside of the machine when he
is ready to return, > mana the driver of the machine, and the
towel-woman each expect a gratuity of 10c. — Valuables should be left
at home or denoned in the office provide d for the purpose. — The
drinking-water at Bop is not particularly good.
for sitting on the beach 11/,-2 fr. per day, or 7-12 fr.
aoe — The numerous newspaper-sellers and hawkers
fh are troublesomely importunate; and on Sun. Ostend is in-
undated with excursionists. — It is well to be on one’s guard against
Warm Salt-Water Baths. Elablissement Hydrothérapique (Pl. D, 2),
adjoining the Kursaal, baths of all kinds (plunge-bath 2 fr.), mas-
sage, etc.
Cabs. Motor-cabs (auto-taximétres): 1000 métres (1093 yds.) 2 fr., each
additional 300 métres 20 c. — One-horse cabs, M/s fr. per drive within
the town; : W/2 hr. 2 fr.; first hour 3 fr ach additional hour 2 fr. ;
at night (11-5) the raies are 2, 3, 4, & Bfr. The rate for two-horse cabs
(‘voitures & deux chevaux') is 2 fr. per 1/2 hr., 4 fr. per 1/4 hr. extra, and
3 fr. for each additional hour. — Each trunk 25 (maximum 1 fr.).
Electric Tramways (10 c.): 14. From the K al (Pl. D, 2) via the
Boul. Van Iseghem, Quai des Pécheurs (P1. E, F, ): Quai de 1 Empereur
(Pl. E, D, 4), Boul. du Midi, and Boul. Ri ier (Pl. 3) back to the Kur-
saal. — 2. From the Kursaal vid the Parc Maia Hent iette (p. 14) and
the harbour to the lighthouse (PI. G, 3; p- 15). — stiic Railway to
Westende and Nieuport (Bains) and to uport and Furnes, see p. 16. —
Steam-tramway to Blankenberghe, see p. 18; to Dixmude (j 18).
Steamers to Dover and to London, see p.1; to Bruges, see p. 24.
Sailing Boats with 2 men for 1/2 hr. 5, 1-2 hrs. 6 fr.; with 3 men 6,
8 fr.; with 4 men 8, 12 fr. (2 men officially! required fe {-4 persons,
3 men for 5-40 pers., 4 men for 14-42 pers.). Previous agreement neces ry;
out of ines season the charges are less. — Steamboats (poor) start mora
the Estacade in good weather almost every hour from il a.m. for short
cruises. Occasional au to iv nberghe, etc. (lunch should be taken).
The Kursaal (Pl. D, p. 14) is the principal resort of visitors during
the bathing-season, but i is Sea to subscribers only. A band plays d ily
from 2.0 to 5 and from 8.30 to 10 p.m. The Day Ticket (2 fr.; till 5 p-m.
1 fr.) admits to the see ura café, reading-room, and billiard- room, and
to the enter ments on the programme for the day. The official ‘Pro-
gramme des Kétes de la Journée’ should be consulted. Subscriptions,
valid also for the Casino (p. 13): 1 pers. per fortnight 80, per month 50,
per season (June itst-Oct. 15th) 75 fr.; 2
8 e 5 Se a 55, 90, 125 fr. ; three
pers. 75, 120, 160 fr.; 4 pers. 90, 140, 185 fr.; for children between seven |