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10° Route 2. OSTEND. Practical.
if situated on the Digue, are very dear, and should be secured
beforehand through an agent (comp. p. 41) by families visiting these
resorts at the height of the season. But for single travellers they
represent little if any saving. Heyst and most of the small resorts
are cheaper and quieter.
The coast is everywhere very flat. Mixed bathing is the uni-
versal rule. Tents and chairs (5-10 c.) may be hired on the beach;
or the sea-air may be enjoyed on the piers or ‘estacades’. On Sun-
days and holidays the larger resorts are apt to be unpleasantly
crowded with excursionists. There is little or no boating to be had
except at the larger places.
1. Ostend.
Railway Stations. 1. The Station d’ Ostende- Ville or Town Station (P1. D, 5),
at a considerable distance from the sea and the principal hotels. —
2. Station Maritime or Ostende-Quai (Pl. F, 4), for trains in connection
with the steamers to and from England. Hotel-omnibuses and cabs
(tariff, p. 12) await passengers at both stations.) — Office of the Inter-
national Sleeping Car Co., on the S.W. side of the Kursaal (p. 12).
Hotels (comp. p. xiv). On the Digue, with unimpeded views of the
sea, nearly all large and expensive (rooms without sea-view are cheaper).
To the S.W. of the Kursaal : *ConTIneNTAL (Pl. 2; C, 2), an imposing estab-
lishment with 350 beds, R. from 6, B. 2, déj. 6, D. 8, pens. from
2fr.; *Hor. pe LOckan (PI. 7; C, 3), entirely renovated in 1909,
R. from 8 fr., with bath from’ 25, B. 2, déj.6, D. 8 fr.; “Hor. DE LA Pas AGE
(Pl. 3; ©, oye 850 beds, R. (many with baths) from 6, B. 2'/2, os eS;
pens. from 20, omn. 21/2 fr.; *Sprenpip Horet, with 450 beds, R. from 6,
B. 2, déj. 5, D. 7, pens. from 15, omn. 2!/ fr.; all these are RR OSEDT
2stablishments. — BrEau- eevee 400 beds, R. sso 5, a L'/, déj. 8, D. 5,
pens. from 12'/2, omn. 41/2 . Hor. DU GLOBE (Pl. 4 2); WELLINGTON
(olen o3sD 2): —To the E.0 “the Kursaal: Hér. een Ey AY 12; D, 2),
35 beds, R. from 6, B. 1/2, déj. 3, D. 5, pens. 10-15 fr.; BetrEvur, 900 beds,
R. from 4, B. 11/2 43/4, déj. 3, D. 4, pens. 10-18,°omn. 412 fr., with several
dépendances ; GRAND- Honan, >’ OsTENDE; Hor. pu LirroraL (el. As 2 2);
ALEXANDRA (PI. 30; D, *Hor. pu Kursaat ET Beav-Sire (Pl. 28; E, 9),
at the corner of the Rae de Flandre, 150 beds, R. from 5, B. 2, dé). 4,
D. 6, omn. 2 fr.; G@Ranp-H6TEL Des Barns (P). 29; EH, 2). — *Near the old
ighthouse: Hore. Roya pu Pare (Pl. 18; F, 2), 315 beds, R. from 5, B.
11/2, déj. 3, D. 5, pens. 12-20, omn. 1 fr., open in winter; Hor, pu Castno,
30 Neate R. 4-6, B 41/s, déj. ‘QN/2, D. 3, pens. 8-12 fr., Hor. pu Port, Hor.
DE L’ESTACADE, these three unpretending. — In the new quarter to the
W., 1M. to the S.W. of the Kursaal: Rorat PaLace HoTEL, a large house
(400 rooms) in a fine open situation, with garden, concert-room, covered
promenade, restaurant, and American bar, R. from 7 fr. ; adjoining, H6r.
‘TErMinus, R. from 4 fr. — Hotels at Mariakerke, see p. 16.
Behind the Digue, without sea-view and with moderate charges. In
the Boulevard Van Iseshem: Hor. Inrerrar (Pl. 25 pa 2); Hor. DE La
DicuE (Pl. 8; D, 2), 85 R. from 4, B. 11/2, déj. 38, bens. 10-15, omn.
4 fr.: Gr.-Hor. Reina (Pl. 31; B, 2), 96 R. oe Oe. 11/2, pens. from
Ae ie well spoken of; Hér. Royal pg Prusse rt GRANDE-BRETAGNE;
(Pl. 6; 5, 2), R. from 314, B. 41/4, déj. 21/2, D. 3/2, pens. from 8 fr. —
In the Rue Longue, near the Kursaal: Hor. Royan pgs ARCADES (Pl. 32;
D, 2). — In the Avenue Léopold: AvENuE Horet, English. — In the
Squa are Marie-Jos: (Place du Thédtre): Hér. pg Saxe (Pl. 33; D, 3). —
In the Rue Royale: Savoy Horer (Pl. 27; D, 2), at the corner of the
Avenue Léopold, 50 Reads R. from 4, B. ‘41/0, déj. 3, D. 4, cane Asta
H6r. Maxron (Pl. 25; 2), beds, R. 3-10, B. AY, déj. 2, D 3Y/2,
pens. 7/10, omn. 1 fe, — In the Rue St. Pétersbourg (Pl. C 2, 3):
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