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OSTEND. Belgian
daily supplies of clarified
water. Their price varies from 5 to 8 fr.
Bes hundred, and upwart In the height of summer they are out of
eason. The “oyster- fishery was introduced here in 1763. Lobsfers, brou: ght
chiefly from France, England, and Norw vay, are kept in separate receptacles
in the huitriéres ( om 2 to 6 fr. each.
Fish. Ostend is the principal fishin -port in Belginm. It POSEERECE
250 fishing-boats and trawlers, being more than one-half the number be
longing to the entire kingdom. Fish is generally plentiful, ecially in
imer, when transport is difficult. A large turbot may of ‘be bought
tor 10-415 fr. ; oles, d, haddocks, mackerel, and skate are of course
Crabs, shrimps and mussels also are abundant. All these
sh are sold | by public auction at the Mingue or Visch-
outa buildi ng near the Bassin des Pécheurs, between
fishing-boats. A municipal o al, as
fixes a hi e in us for each lot, and the gradually
dese sends * until a bidder calls out ‘myn’ and thus becomes th purchaser.
ere eat advantage of it is ~ Date by auction’ is that a single bid settles the
3 r Ls To Oudenburg, see p. 2;
Se by the beach to (6 M.) Le Cog (Den Haan) and
19). In summer a mail-coach (3 fr.) runs from the
g 0 p.m., to Oudenbu shistelle (p. ). Every
om July until the middle of -train runs on the
tram w to Breskens (p. 236), in connection with the steamer
and the railw to Middel 296). — exes Tours.
teine to the Parc Marie- : tle ( (p. 14); thistelle
kens (17 M. to Bruges
rk) vid Mariakerke, Middel
t allowed on the Digue after 9 a.m,
Seaside Resorts to the S.W. of Ostend.
ELE Sree Ratiway from Os pond © Mariakerke i
20¢., village 25c.). the tracké (80 c.),
kerke Gaiees 50 c.), and Tan (40 1 min.; 65 c¢.), ever
mer (It ied) The cars start at the Station
the Qu > PEmpereur, Town Station, Place du The
saal, earn de la Reine, and Hippodrome Wellington. —
to Nieuport-Bains projected.
Stream Tramway fro
Station, with intermed
hr.; to bathing-place
de (20 c.), Middel-
10 min. in Su
and call ¢
> the meee
Ostend (Place Vanderzweep, near the Town
the Rue de la Chapelle and Avenue
de la Reine) vid Mar g-place 43/,M., 15c.; village 21/2 M.,
20 c), Raverzyde (30 c.), (30 c.), Middelkerke (D\/2M., 45 c.3 station
in the village, 6 min. from ‘the Digue and from the station on the
stric railw y), Westende (8 M., 65 c; stations at the bathing-place
M. from the Westend Hotel, and at the vil lage), and Lombartzyde (91/2 M..
c.) to (40!/2 M.) Nieuport (tow n; 85c.; p. 43). Thence the line goes on
to (42/2 M.) Groene ke, Cla M.) Oost- Duinker (16 M.) Coryde, and
(18/2 M.) Furnes (p. 49: station at the mar -place; terminus at the
railway -station). Most of the trains run first from Nieuport to (2 M.)
teuport-Bains and then on to Groenendyck.
Stream Tramway from Furnes (p. 4° )), starting at the rail. station and
calling at the Rue de 1 Panne, to (42 M.) Za Panne (terminus Ifo M.
from the beach; 50 or Oc.). — Horsz ‘framway from Adinkerke (p. 50)
to (Al/2M.) La Panne (20 c.; to La Panne-Mer 30 c. )\.
Mariakerke. — Hotels. Roya Hon
B. 11/4, ac 3, D. 4, pens. 5
Horter, aD be “ds, R. 4-8, B.
EL DES Barns, 200 beds, R. 4-8,
3 fr., with a etarant: New GRAND
D.4 fr.; Hér. Quirman, 80 R. at
3-10, B. 1, 1} a . 8, pens. ; Hor. DU Kursaat, A2R. at 2-5, B. 1
D. Qi » Pens. 410 fr. thee four on the digue; Hor. DE LA PLAGE,
Hor. B LLEVUE, etc. — Several pensions, — Sea-bath. TD c.
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