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BELGIUM. Cycling Tours. Xxi
in force for motor-cycles. — Cycles are conveyed on the steamer
between Dover and Ostend for 1s. 6d., tandems 3s.; between Har-
wich and Antwerp 3s. or 5s.
The Touring Club de Belgique (headquarters in Brussels, see
p. 95; subscription for foreign members 34/o fr.) offers numerous
advantages and privileges to its members, including reduced rates
at hotels and for maps. The Itinéraires Topographiques (150 sheets,
price 74/5 fr. ; single sheet 10 c.), issued by the club, gives profiles
of the roads and trustworthy information as to their condition and
distances. The Carte routitre de la Belgique (1: 320,000; 75 c.),
which is re-issued every two years, and the Carte dela Belgique
published by the Military Cartographical Institute (comp. p. xxvi)
y also be commended to the notice of cyclists and motorists.
The following scheme of a Cycitinc Tour THRouGH BELGIUM,
which is adapted also for motor-cars, includes the more important
art-centres and also most of the sea-bathing resorts and the finest
points in the Ardennes. The word day as used below refers only
to the actual time occupied on the road; it is assumed that many
e spent in sight-seeing and resting.
ix-la-Chapelle (615 fi 1401/2 M. Eupen (880 ft.); 20 M.
-)3 OA M. Pepinster (445 ft.; with détour to Spa, see p. 276);
Liége (230 ft.).
Day: 14 M. Oreye (528 ft.); 24 M. St. Trond (477 ft.); 25 M. Dor-
mael (154 ft.; with détour to Léan); 32 M. Tirlemont (448 ft.); 44 M.
Louvain (82 ft.).
ard Day: 81/2 M. Tervueren (285 ft.); 18M. Auderghem; 17 M. Brussels.
4th . i 4 M. Laeken (62 ft.); 5/2 M. Vilvorde (52 ft.); 1381/2 M.
Malines (25 ft.) 21 M. Contich (75 ft 23 M. Antwerp (20 ft.).
h Day: 8 M. Zwyndrecht (30 ft.); 12/2 M. St. Nicolas (62 ft.); 24 M.
Lokeren (49 ft. M. Ghent (25 ft.). .
6th Day: ecloo (33 ft.); 4181/2 M. Maldeghem (80 ft.); 29 M.
Bruges (30 ft.).
7th Day:
cappelle (13 ft.);
ie (16 ft.); 22!/2 M.
(13 ft.); 40 M. Ostend d6 rae
8th Day: 5 M. Middelkerke (82 ft.); 10/2 M. Nieuport (20 ft.; with
détour to port-Bains); M. pecee s (20 ft with détour a La
Panne); ee tyleteren (25 ft.); 37 M. Ypres (6
31/2 M. Gheluwe (69 ft’); 44 M. Menin (59 ft.) 18 M. Courtrai
igi ecq (9 ft.); 35 M. Tournai (95 ft.).
Mo M. Leuze 55 ft.); 145 M. Ligne; 18 M. Ath (105 ft.);
n ait 90 ft.) ; 401/2 M. Hal (447 ft.); 49 M. Anderlecht (72 ft.) ;
Wg M. Damme (43 ft.); T}/2 M. ucke (43 ft.); 10 M. West-
12 M. se 6 ft. . Heyst (46 ft.); 1481/2 M.
rghe (43 ft.); 301/2 M. Vlisseghem
/2 M. Auderghem (213 ft.); 15 M. Wavre (148 ft.); 26 M.
Gembloux (505 ft.); BT, M. Namur (270 ft.).
12th Day (comp. p. 224): 3 M. Wepion (280 ft.) 5171/2 M. Dinant (340 ft.),
23 M. Celles (645 ft.); 30 M. Carrefour de V Tiend 557 ft.; with détour to
Rochefort and Hany AT/2 M. Libin (4325 ft.); 61 M. WM eufchdteau (4400 ft.).
18th Day: 13\/2 M. Ha b y-la-Neuve (4 {t.); 22/2 M. Arlon (4365 ft.) ;
28M. Steinfort (4005 ft.); 83 M. Mamer (990 ft.) ; 39 M. Luxembourg (4066 ft.).
The following Gene Touk THROUGH THE ARDENNES will be
found enjoyable, but it is advisable to use the railway, between
3russels and Namur, Stavelot and Spa, and Liege and Brussels.
1st Day: From Brussels via (3871/2 M.) Namur to (55 M.) Dinant, see above.
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