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K 29612:[a,1,11], Collectie Stad Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience
Title | EHC_K29612_A_1_11_2019_0032.tif |
Category | uit de bibliotheekcollecties van Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience |
Asset identification [ID] | |
Full text | xxyi Characteristics. BELGIUM. of 42,800 men. It is composed of 419 regiments of Infantry (Line, Rifles, Carabineers, Grenadiers), 8 regiments of Cavalry (Guides, Chasseurs-a- Cheval, Lancers), 4 regiments of Field Artillery, 15 battalions of Fortress Artillery, Engineers, Military Train, etc. The Grenadiers and Guides form the royal guard. — The Garde Civique, or militia, consists of 40,400 men. The national colours are red, yellow, and black, placed in three per- pendicular stripes, which were the colours of the ancient Duchy of Brabant. The armorial bearings of Belgium consist of the Lion of Brabant, with the motto ‘L’union fait la force’ (‘Eendracht maakt macht’). The flag of the Congo State is blue, with a five-pointed gold star. CHARACTERISTICS. Those indicated by the following monkish lines are said to exist to some extent even at the present day: — ‘Nobilibus Bruwxella viris, Antwerpia nummis, Gandavum laqueis, formosis Bruga puellis, Lovanium doctis, gaudet Mechlinia stultis’. (Brussels rejoices in noble men, Antwerp in money, Ghent in halters, Bruges in pretty girls, Louvain in learned men, and Malines in fools.) Halters are mentioned in connection with Ghent in allusion to the frequent humiliations to which its turbulent citizens were subjected by their sovereigns. The reputation of the citizens of Malines originated in the story that they once mistook the moon shining through their cathedral-tower for a conflagration, and endeavoured to extinguish it by means of the fire-engines. The Belfries (Flem. Belfort, Fr. Beffroi), originally detached bell-towers, though at a later period usually attached to the hétel de ville or to the cloth-hall, were regarded in the middle ages as a kind of symbol of municipal freedom. Etymologists differ as to the origin of the word belfry, but it seems to be connected with the German Berefrit or Berg/ried (watch-tower; low Lat. berfredus), s that the resemblance between the first syllable and the English word ‘bell’ is purely fortuitous. The Kermesses (Flem. Kermissen), or village-fairs, which usually take place in July or August, afford admirable opportunities of studying the national Flemish characteristics. A prominent part on these occasions is played by the Archery Clubs, which are very numerous in Belgium and display astonishing skill. Béguinages, see p. 77; Wind Mills, Dykes, Canals, and Polders, See pp. XXXVli, xxxviii. |
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Info |
This media file falls into the public domain. This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
The metadata is licensed with a creative commons zero license. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. If you use this media file and / or the metadata, we would appreciate it if you copied the information from the Acknowledgements field as a source reference. When used in a publication, we would like to receive a copy for our library. |
Acknowledgements | K 29612:[a,1,11], Collectie Stad Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience |
Source listing | Baedeker, Karl, Belgium and Holland, including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg: handbook for travellers, K 29612:[a,1,11], Collectie Stad Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience |