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Railways. xxxiii
VI. Churches, Picture Galleries, and Collections.
CHURCHES are shown by the sacristans, who demand the sum of
20-25 c. from each visitor, frequently according to tariff. Except in
Limburg and North Brabant, almost all the old churches are Pro-
testant and closed except during divine service.
PicturE GALLERIES AND CoLLECTIONS are generally open from
{0 a.m. till 3, 4, or 5 p.m. They are closed on New Year's Day and
on some popular holidays. Sticks and umbrellas must be given up
at the door, but, as a rule, no charge is made for taking care of
them. The usual gratuity at private collections is 4 fi.
The traveller should be on his guard azainst spurious antiquities, which
ly nufactured in Holland. Purchasers of old furniture and silver-
e specially warned against deception and should always demand
a written guarantee of genuineness.
VII. Railways. Light Railways. Steamers.
Some of the Datch Ratuways were built by the state though
now leased to private companies, others are wholly private under-
takings. Most of t tate-constructed lines are worked by the Maat-
schappy tot E. 2 van Staats-Spoorwegen (head-ofice in Utrecht).
Of the private companies the largest is the Hollandsche Yzeren
Spoorweg Maatschappy (head - office in Amste-dam), next to which
rank the Nederlandsche Centraalspoorweg Maatschappy (head-office
in Utrecht) and the Noord-Brabant- Duitsche Spoorweg Maatschappy
(head-office in Gennep). On the three first-named railways the fares
per kilométre have hitherto been 5c. cl., 33/4c. Qnd cl., and
2'oe. 8rd cl., but after Jan. 4st, 1911, t) be reduced to 3.25 ¢.,
and 1.625 c.; while for local traffic on branch-lines and for
n main-lin2 trains indicated in the time-tables, the return-
> to b2 farther reduced to 5c., 33/4 c., and 21/5 c. per kilo-
Three of the above-mentioned companies issue in common
‘distancc-tickets’ or mileage-tickets, and after Jan. 4st, 1941, the ar-
rangement will in-lude also the fourth, the Hollandsche Spoorweg
Maatschappy. These mileage-tickets will be issued for 400, 500, or
1000 kilométres ata uniform charge per kil. of 3 ¢., 2.25 c., or 1.625 c.
(according to cl but the 400 kil. tickets will consist of two
coupons only, ea valid for a single journey. Some of the main
lines are traversed by the so-called ‘D’ trains, for a seat in which an
extra charge of 60 c. is mad for the 4st. or 2nd cl., 30 c. for the
od. cl. (for a distance of over 90 M., 4 f. 20 c., or 60 c.). Foreign
circalat tour tickets are good only for the lines expressly named
on them.
No luggasg
gr is allowed free, except on international routes (comp.
p. xx). The railway-porter (besteller) receives 20-30 c. for carrying
luggage between the cab and the train. Small articles may be de-
posited in the left luggage office (10 . daily for each piece).
The Dutch railways follow Amsterdam time, which is 20 min
Barpexer’s Belgium and Holland, 15th Edit. c |