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BELGIUM. Railways. xix
VI. Railways. Light Railways.
The most trustworthy time-tables are contained -in the ‘Indi-
cateur officiel des trains’, published on Jan. 1st, May dst, July 1st,
and Oct. 1st (price 30 c.), or the small Guide Sommaire, published
mouthly (40 c.). The former includes steamers, steam and elec-
tric tramways, and diligences, and postal and telegraphic inform-
ation, — Greenwich (W. Europe) time is used throughout Belgium
(not in Luxembourg), and compared with the ‘Mid Europe’ time
observed in Germany, clocks are 41 hr. behind (20 min. behind
Amsterdam time). The reckoning of time from 4 to 24 o’clock has
been officially introduced on the Belgian railways; thus 413 o’cl.
corresponds to our 1 p.m., 20 to 8 p.m., 0.10 to 12.40.a.m., ete.
The State railways of Belgium have no first-class carriages, but
their place is taken by reserved compartments of the second-class
(compartiments réservés). All the main lines, however, are traversed
by international ‘trains de luxe’ (marked ‘Lx’ in the time-tables)
or by so-called ‘saloon trains’ or trains with saloon-carriages or par-
lour-cars (wagons-salon; marked ‘S’), with conveniences corre-
sponding to those of the best trains in other countries. The fares
per Engl. M. amount to about 15 c. for the saloon carriages, for the
first class, and for the reserved second class, to 101/3 c. for second
class, and to 61/gc. for third class. Holders of second-class tickets
may travel in first-class or saloon carriages on payment of a ‘supplé-
ment? of 3c, per kilométre. The supplementary tickets should be
obtained beforehand at a booking-office. The fares on express trains
are the same as those on ordinary trains. On Sat., Sun., and holidays
seats in the saloon-carriages should be taken in advance (en location ;
fee 50 c.). Return-tickets (billets d’aller et retour) are issued at a
reduction of 20 per cent, and are available for 2 days (or for 3 if
issued on Sat., Sun., holidays, or the eves of holidays), but do not
permit of breaking the journey. — No one is allowed on the plat-
forms without either a railway-ticket or a platform-ticket (10 c.);
this regulation applies even to outside commissionaires carrying
the passenger’s luggage. The guard is called Garde, Conducteur, or
(Flemish) Wachter.
Season Tickels (billets dabonnement), allowing the holder to
travel at will for 5 or 15 days over the Belgian State-railways, will
be found cheap and convenient. A deposit (returnable) of 5 fr. is
made by the applicant, who must supply also an unmounted photo-
graph of himself (ca. 4% in. square), The rates for 5-day tickets
are 303/4, 201/o, and 1413/4 fr., for 15-day tickets 641/5, 44, or 231/o fr.
These season-tickets may be obtained at any Belgian railway-
Station and also in London at the Belgian Mail Packet Booking
Offices, 72 Regent St., W., and 53 Gracechurch St., E. ©.
The Indicateur Officiel gives full information as to Oircular Tours,
some of which (155 M. or upwards; valid for 30 days) are arranged
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