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450 Route 56. NYMWEGEN. From Cologne
that strengthened the old town-walls. The series of boulevards ad-
joining the park was laid out in 1877-84 on the site of the old
In the centre of the picturesque huddle of the old town rises
the Groors Kxrx or Church of St. Stephen (Pl. 1; Prot.), a Gothic
edifice, begun in 1272 and substantially completed in the 14th and
15th cent., though there are a few modern additions. The barrel-
vaulting of the nave, supported by 35 slender pillars, replaces a
former and more strictly Gothic pointed vaulting. The choir con-
tains the Monument of Catherine of Bourbon (d. 1469), wife of Adol-
phus, Duke of Guelders, by Master W. Loemans of Cologne (1512).
The organ was built in 1776 (public performance every Tuesday in
summer, 3-4p.m.). Theupper part of the tower was renewed in 1593
in the Renaissance style; the top commands a fine view (sacristan,
Groote Markt 22). — On the old Grammar School (1544), near the
church-yard, are some weather-worn sculptures,
Through the Kerkboog we descend hence to the H. to the Groote
Marxr (Pl. 2), with the old Weigh House § Fleshers’ Hall. The
building, which is detached on three sides, was probably built in
1612 by H. de Keyser (p. 369), and was renewed in 1887. — Farther
on, to the right in the Korte Burchtstraat, stands the —
Stapuurs (Pl. 3), rebuilt in the Renaissance style in 1554, and
restored in 1882. The statues of German monarchs on the fagade
are copies of the originals.
The VestIBULE contains raised seats adorned with beautiful Renais-
sance carving (by Guert van Dulcken, 1555), on which the magistrates
formerly sat in criminal] cases (the Vorflure of the Dutch town-halls were
formerly used as the seat of municipal tribunals, ‘Vierschaar’), and an
interesting clock of 1597 (restored). The ‘Riddle of Nymwegen’ is a picture
representing a complicated relationship of the year 1609.
The InTeRIorR (open on week-days, 10-4, adm. 410 c.) contains a few
pictures, among which are a representation of the old chateau of Valkhof
(see below) by Jan van Goyen and portraits of the ambassadors who here
signed in 1678 the Peace of Nymwegen between Louis XIV., the States
General, and Spain; several rooms hung with old tapestry ; and the muni-
cipal Museum of Antiquities (adm. week-days 10-4, 20c., Sun. 12-3, 5c.;
catalogue 50 c.). In a room on the upper floor are medieval and modern
objects. Cabinet to the left of the entrance: silver-mounted drinking-
horn of the Skippers’ Guild; a *Nautilus Cup (No. 131) of 1580 in silver
repoussé work, 4 ft. high; missals of the Bakers’ Guild. Cabinet by the
ba wall: a wooden tun, used for the public punishment of adulterers;
coins of Nymwegen; ancient MSS. and documents. On the lower floor are
prehistoric, Germanic, and Roman antiquities, all discovered in the vicin-
ity of Nymwegen. Among them are numerous coins and a sarcophagus
constructed of 52 tiles bearing the stamp of the tenth legion. — More im-
portant than the municipal collection is the collection of Roman anti-
quities at Berg en Dal’sche Weg No. 76 (p. 451), belonging to Mr. @. M. Kam.
In the small square at the E. end of the Burchtstraat is a Mon-
ument (statue of Victory after Rauch) erected to commemorate the
construction of the railway from Nymwegen to Cleve (4865).
A little farther on, beyond the Societeit Burgerlust, are the shady
pleasure-grounds of the VaLxuor (Pl. 5), laid out on an eminence |