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of Antwerp. HOOGSTRAETEN. 13. Route. 205
The village of Brasschaet (HGétel St. Antoine; steam-tramway, p. 16/),
I e N.E. of Antwerp, was for many years the seat of a famous
: park of Count Reusens , to which admission is cour-
a visit. Ne haet is the Polygone de
$ r’ an artillery-range, which may be visited only
by permission a the minister of war. — At the steam-tramway station
of Schooten (p. 167) is Sc chootenhof, @ colony of villas
About 2 : ntwerp and about 10M. from Turnhout
O4 OMS (75 ft.), a village with 2600
ersoise, or moor! land district round
‘ch of St. Catharine, an interesting
utiful stained glass of 1520-50;
er fae b of Count Lalaing-Hoogstraeten (d. 1540)
, and his wife; a Netherlandish painting of ca. 1440,
egend of St. Joseph; and a modern enamelled
Wilmotte of Old embroideries and tapestries in the
The Hétel de Ville, dating from the end of the 46th cent., is a
ructure in the Ren ance style. The old Chdteau, now
lies on the brook alittle to the N. of the village. —
plain bri
a poor-hou c
To the S.E. of Hoogstraeten (diligence in 11/4 hr.) is the workmen’s colony
of Merxplas, shown only by order of the manager of the above-mentioned
poor-house. — Steam- pines to (12 M.) Rysbergen (p. 167).
From Antwerp to Alost, see p. 3.
14, From Antwerp to Rotterdam (Amsterdam).
a. Railway Tee
s 9 fr. 90, 7 fr. 50, 4 fr. 40 c. (in the
- 10 c.). The ‘Swiss Express’, a
Bale and Amsterdam, runs in summer only. The
62 M. Rarnway in 2-31/, hr
opposite direction 4 fl. 70, 3
‘train de Juxe’ between
trains start from th entral Station. Railway aos at Rotterdam, see
». 800. — To £ (comp. R. ess in 31/2-A4l/> hrs. ordinary
train in 61/2 h } 0, 12 AOFM etre 60 c. (in the opposite
Another through-train runs from Rosen-
id Utrecht to Amsterdam; same time
direction 7 fl
daal via B
and far
Antwerp, see p. 164. The train traverses the suburb of Borger-
hout, passes the station Anvers-Dam, near the docks, and intersects
the fortifications. At (71/. M.) Eeckeren and (40 M.) Cappellen are
numerous yillas of well-to-do Antwerp merchants. ‘A bout 31/5 M.
to the N.W., just beyond the Dutch frontier, lies the village of
Putten, in the churchyard of which is the old tombstone of Jacob
Jordaens (d. 1678), the painter, ve was denied a grave within the
territory of Antwerp owing to his having been a Protestant. —
151/ M. Calmpthout. — We traverse the monotonous Campine An-
versoise, — 201/, M. Esschen (buffet), with the Belgian custom-house.
26 M. Rosendaal, the seat of the Dutch custom-house, and
junction for the Breda and Flushing line (R. 36b), see p. 300. —
Thence to (62 M.) Rotterdam, see p. 300.
, 5 fl. 75, 3. 60 c.).
*S Hertogenbosch,
b. Steamboat Journey.
Stzampoar (‘Telegraaf’) daily, except Mon., in 9-15 hrs. (fares 2 fl.,
1 fl. 2 starting at 7 a.m. from the Quai St, Michel (shed 47a), beside the
Waesland Station (Pl. A, 4, 5), at Antwerp, and from the E. extremity of
the Noordereiland (Pl. G, A) at Rotterdam. The steame rs, though intended |