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to Aix-la-Chapelle. HASSELT. 15. Route. 209
3741/5 M. Diest (75 ft.; Hét. de la Couronne), with 8200 inhab.,
and many breweries and distilleries. In the choir of the Gothio
church of St. Sulpice is the tomb of Philip of Nassau- Orange
(d. 1648); in the churchyard is a ruined church. The Hétel de Ville
contains a painting of the Early Cologne School (Last Judgment).
The Town Ramparts are well preserved. — Diest is the junction of a
pranch-line from Lirlemont (p. 237) to Moll (p. 212). Steam-tram-
way to Coursel; to Louvain, see p. 243.
The train crosses the Demer. 41 M. Zeelhem; 49 M. Schuelen ;
48 M. Kermpt.
50!/) M. Hasselt (125 ft.; Hotel du Verre-d-Vin, 30 R. from 2"/o,
B. 1, D.3 fr.; du Limbourg, R. 11/9, B.4, D. 2 fr.), the capital of
the Belgian province of Limburg, with 16,800 inhab., was the scene
of a victory gained by the Dutch over the Belgians on 6th Aug., 1834.
The late-Gothic chief church has been well restored.
From Hassett To Ms (cK, 25'/2M., railway in i!/;hr. Intermediate
(226 ft.; Hot. dela Cloche, 20 R. at 11/2, D. 2, pens. 4-0 fr.,
3, 22 R. at 11/2-2, D. 2, pens. Al/2 6 fr.), in the Limburg
much frequented by painters as a summer-residence;
elen. — The small town of Maeseyck (108 ft.; Wot. van Eyck, R. 2,
B.1, D. 2fr.), on the left bank of the Meuse, was probably the birthplace
of the brothers Van Eyck (p. xlvii), to whom a monument has been erected.
Steam-tramways on the S. to (4171/2 M.) Lanaeken (see below) and (20!/2 M.)
Maastricht (see p. 263), on the W. to (48!/2 M.) Wychmaet (p. 434) and (26 M.)
n the N. t ert (p. 242) and to (5 M.) Kessenich;
to (0b M.) Susteren (p. 453).
run to the S. from Hasselt to (6 M.) Cortessem (p. 434),
and (49!/2 M.) Oreye (p. 238); to the W. to (12 M.)
und to the N. to (1481/2 M.) Bourg-Léopold (p. 237).
ge, see R. 53; to Bindhoven and Utrecht, see R. 53;
From Has.
to Landen, see p. 238.
55 M. Diepenbeek /o M. Beverst, both also stations on the line
to Tongres and L (p. 484); 60 M. Munsterbilsen; 62!/) M.
Eygenbilsen ; 651/.M. Lanaeken (217 ft.), the Belgian frontier-station
(steam-tramway to Tongeren, p. 434; to Maastricht and Maeseyck,
see abov e). — The train now passes the station outside the Bosch-
poort, crosses the Meuse, and enters —
69!/, M. Maastricht, see p. 264. Route to Litge, see R. 29; to
Venlo-Nymwegen, see pp. 453, 454. — Beyond Maastricht we pass
numerous country-houses, and cross three arms of the Geul.
73 M. Meerssen (Hotel de la Reine-Emma), a favourite residence
of the Frankish kings in the 9th cent. and afterwards the property
of the Abbey of St. Remy at Rheims, is noted for the treaty between
Lewis the German and Charles the Bald (870). The fine Gothic
Convent Church (13-14th cent.), restored by Cuypers, contains a
beautiful Gothic ciborium. The farm of De Proostdy (‘Provostry’)
is believed to occupy the site of the Carlovingian palace.
The train now gradually quits the river, and passes the village
of Houthem-St-Gerlach (p. 240) on the right.
76 M. Valkenburg. — Hotels. *Granv-Hérex Kurnaus ('¢ Huis ter
Geul), to the 8.E,, outside the town, 69 R. at 11/2-4, B. 3/s, D. 43/4-2, pens.
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