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210 Route 15. VALKENBURG. From Antwerp
34e-6 fl.; Hore, Oranse-Nassavu, Houthemer Weg 24a, to the W., outside
the town, AO R. from 11/4, B. 3/4, D. 1/2, pens. 38-4 fl.; Horex Usacus-
Vossen, 40 R. at 11/2-2, B. 2, D. 11/s-41/2, pens. 21/2-8 fl.; Monopor, 80 R.
at 1'/2-2, B. 8/4, D. 11/,-11/2, pens. 3-4 fl., ARNoLD Vossen, 80 R. at 11/4-1!/2,
B. 1/2, D. 41/2, pens. 3-3'/2 fl., all three in the Nieuwe Weg; BELLEyok, at
the corner of the Nieuwe Weg and Reynold-Straat, 8) R. from 11/;, B. 3/s,
déj. 1, D. 1'/s, pens. 21/2-31/2 fl.; Hore pe 1’ EmpeRevR, Groote Straat 28,
35 R from 41/,, B. 1/2, D. 4'/4, pens. 3 fl.; Crorx pz Bourcocne, Gosewyn-
Straat 2, 35 R. at 1-2, B. M2, D. 11/4-13/4, pens. 2!/2-3 fl.; VALKENBURGER
Hor, at the S, end of the Lindelaan, 24 R. at 4!/, 1/ofl., B. 60.c., D. 41/4 f1.;
Prins HenpRik, Wilhelmslaan, R. 4, pens. 2-3 fl.; Germania, Walrat
Plaats 11, 22R. at1-l1/,,D.4f.; Héret Stevens, Houthemer Weg; Kie
HOTEL DE Europe, both near the station. — Cab with one horse, 3-5
per half-day; with two horses, 5-7 fl.
Valkenburg or Valkenberg (215 ft.), French Fauquemont, an an-
cient little town with 1000 inhab., prettily situated on both arms
of the Geul or Gohl, is a frequented summer-resort. It is dominated
on the S. by the Dwingelrots, a hill on which stands the ruined
castle of the lords of Valkenburg, built in the 13th cent. and
destroyed in 1637. From the station we turn to the left and then
to the right and cross the Nieuwe Weg and the Lindelaan; after
crossing the Geul we go a few yards to the left and then follow the
Groote Straat to the right past the new Town Hall and Post Office.
From the end of the Groote Straat, 1/2 M. from the station, we may
visit the Berkel-Poort (left) and Grendel-Poort (right), two well-
preserved town-gates. The key of the castle is kept at the corner-
house No, 147 beside the Berkel-Poort (adm. 10 c.). A monument
in front of the Grendel-Poort commemorates the jubilee of the union
with Holland of the duchy of Limburg, which had belonged to
Brabant from 1288 and in 1830 had remained in the possession of
Belgium, with the exception of Maastricht.
ENVIRONS OF VALKENBURG. In the ‘Berg’, near the above-mentioned mon-
ument, is the entrance to the Valkenburg Grotto (tickets at the inn to the
right of the entrance, 1-2 pers. 1 fl., 8-5 pers. 1/2 fl. more each, 6-10 pers.
1/s fl, more each; the visit occupies 41/2 hr.), a series of subterranean marl-
quarries, resembling those in the Petersberg (p. 267) and, like these, worked
in the Roman period. Illuminations and concerts frequently take place in
the grotto in summer. — The Giant's Staircase (Reuzentrap; 96 steps) leads
from the grotto to the Rock Park (Rotspark; restaurant); in the lower part
is the Witch's Kitchen (Heksenkeuken); the tower at the top (adm. 40 c.)
commands a good view. — Pleasant footpaths lead hence down the stream
to (8/4 hr.) Geulem, where there are some ancient rock-dwellings. Tickets
(80 c.) may be obtained in the Café Akkermans for a visit to the sub-
terranean Ohapel in the Geulem Grotto. This excursion may be conveniently
extended to Meerssen (p. 209). — About 4!/2M. to the W. of Valkenburg,
halfway along the high-road to Meerssen, lies the straggling village of
Houthem-Saint-Gerlach (H6t. Kuypers; Hot. Sleypen), with a modern chateau
and numerous country-houses. Many Roman remains have been found in
the vicinity of the village. — Walks lead upstream, past the chateau of
Oost or the chateau of Chaloen (fine park), then through wood and over
the railway, to the (3/4 hr.) hermitage (Kluis) on the Schaesberg (view
from the top), where there are considerable remains of a castle. — Other
pleasant excursions may be made via Schin op Geul and Sirucht to the top
of the Keutenderg (675 ft.; fine views), and thence down to Wyle (p. 211),
or along the W. slope of the Keutenberg to Gulpen (Hot. de la Poste, 30 R.
from 1 fl.), which is also connected by a direct road with (11/2 M.) the
station of Wylre. The village is picturesquely situated on the @ulp, a |