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Hétel de Ville. BRUSSELS. 10. Route. 129
e present decorations of the spacious SALLE pU ConsEIL CoMMUNAL
its rich gilding, recalling the palace of the Doges at Venice, dates
from the end of the 17th century. The ceiling-painting, representing the
gods in Olympus, with effects of perspective, is by Victor Janssens (d. 1739).
The same artist designed the tapestry on the walls, executed by Urbain
Leymers and Henri Reydams, of which the subjects are the Abdication of
Charles V. (1555), the Coronation of Emp. Charles VI. at Frankfort (4714),
and the ‘joyeuse entrée’ of Philippe le Bon of Burgundy, #.e., the con-
clusion of the contract of government between the sovereign, the clergy,
the nobility, and the representatives of the guilds (1430).
In the adjoining SALLE DE MAXIMILIEN are a modern épergne by Van
der Stappen (1894), in front of the chimney-piece, and a round picture, with
portraits of Maximilian and his wife Maria of Burgundy, by Cluysenaar
(4889), over the chimney-piece. The room contains also a winged altar-
piece, acquired in Italy, by a Belgian artist of the 15th cent., with gilded
carving and paintings from the life of the Virgin (the outer side, now
separate, is to the left of the chimney-piece). The candelabra also are
by Van dr Stappen. — We retrace our steps and enter a Gartery hung
with lifesize portraits by Grangé (c. 1718) of the Emperor Charles V.,
Philip Ill. of Spain, Philip 1V., Archduke Albert and his consort Isabella,
Charles II. of Spain, and Philip Il. in the robe of the Golden Fleece. —
fhe Satie p’ATTENTE contains views of old Brussels, before the vaulting
over of the Senne (see p. 131), by J. B van Moer, 1875
The large Sattz Gorniquz, about 80 ft. long and 50 ft. wide, built in
1868 by V. Jomaer and d with beautiful oak-carvings in a Gothic
style, is reached by c g the landing of the grand staircase (see below).
The tapestry, representing the guilds in characteristic figures, was executed
at Malines in 1875-81 by Bracquenié, from designs by W. Geets. On wooden
pill between pestries are bronze statues of burgomasters and
magistrates of B Is in the 414th and 415th centuries. — The Satz
MariaGes ialined with wooden panelling and adorned with allegorical
es by Cardon (1881) and eight wooden statues of citizens of Brussels,
in the 15th and 16th cent., executed in 1877-78 by the brothers Goyers. —
The Lion Starresz (Escalier des Lions), adjoining the Salle des Mariages,
is adorned with six alabaster statues of patricians of Brussels in the
13th and 14th cent., by @. de Groot (1884), and with two pictures by Em.
Wauters: John Ill., Duke of Brabant, resigning to the guilds of Brussels
the right of electing the burgomaster (1421), and Mary of Burgundy swear-
ing to respect the privileges of the city of Brussels (1477). — We return
through the Gothic Hall to the landing of the Granp Sramcase (Escalier
d@ Honneur), on which are busts of the burgomasters since 1830. The
wall-paintings by Count J. de Lalaing (1893) illustrate the civic community:
‘Pro aris et focis’ (succ ful opposition to the fendal barons) and ‘Urbi
et orbi (proclamation of the laws). On the ceiling is a representation
(by the same artist) of the Archangel Michael directing the defence of
the city-belfry against a horde of enemies, a fantastic allegory founded
upon an inscription from the old Broodhnis: ‘A peste, fame et bello
libera nos Maria pacis’ (from plague, famine, and war, deliver us,
Mary of p e). — At the foot of the staircase ig a bronze figure of St.
Michael, by Van der Stappen (1890).
The Tower (60c. each pers.; entrance in the archway from the market-
place) commands an admirable survey of the city and environs. To the
8. the Lion Monument on the Field of Waterloo is distinctly visible in
clear weather The best time for the ascent is the afternoon (4183 steps
to the gallery, 31 more to the top).
Opposite the Hétel de Ville is the modern Maison du Roi or
Broodhuis (Halle au Pain; Pl. D, 3), erected in 1873-96 from the
plans of V. Jamaer in the late-Gothie style of the 15-16th cent.,
the period from which the original building (frequently restored )
dated. The French name recalls the period when the court-officials |