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120 Route 10. BRUSSELS. Royal Museums:
sels (1848 ); above, 95. Ch. de Groux, Junius preaching the Reform-
ation in a house at Antwerp, with the light from the stake shining
through the window (1860); 390. E. J. Verboeckhoven, Cattle in the
Roman Ge —In the centre: 230. H. Leys, Plundering
of Antwerp by the Spaniards in 1576; 164. L. Gallait, Samson and
Delilah (sketch; 1876); H. Leys, 222. Funeral-mass for Berthal de
Haze, armourer of Antwerp (1845), 227. Portrait of himself; 344.
Jos. Stevens, Smithy; 46. P. J. Clays, Coast near Ostend (1863).
Room V. To the right: H. Leys, 226. Sermon in the Reform-
ation period (sketch; 1841), 225. Studio of Fr. Floris, the pee
240. F. Lamorinizre, Landscape near Edeghem (1863); Jos. Stevens
#339. Dog-market in Paris, 486. ‘Plus fidéle qu’ Rearene’ ; 450.
L. Gallait, Capture of Antioch in 1098 (4843); 100. Ch. de Greuz,
The toper; 236. i B. Madou, The mischief-maker (Flemish scene,
late 48th cent. ; 1854); 228. H. Leys, Proclamation of the Decrees
of Charles V. (study) 382. J. B. van Moer, View of Brussels (1868).
Room VI. 239. J. B. Madou, The village-politicians (4874);
347. F. Stroobant, The old guild-houses in the market-place at Brus-
sels (1863). — The windows of this room command a view of the
Hotel de Ville tower.
Room VII. 337. Alf. Stevens, A mother’s joy; 397. Isaac Ver-
heyden, Trees (1878). — 333. Alf. Stevens, Studio of A. de Knyff,
the painter; *6. L. Artan, North Sea; below, 504. Jos. Stevens, The
harness-room ; “98. Ch. de Groum, Saying grace; #434. L. Dubois,
Storks (1858); ® *314. F. Rops, Shore; *404. Ch. de Groux, Departure
of the recruit; 508, Alf. Stevens, Sea-piece; H. de Braekeleer, 80.
Huckster's stall,8 85. Bible lesson (1872); between these, 132. L. Dubois,
Fish (1874); above, 209. Ed. Lambrichs, Members of the Société L ibre
des Beaux-Arts; Ch. de Groux, “9%. Burial, 540. Gleaners; above,
134. L. Dubois, Dead roe (18638); 336, 335. Alf. Stevens, (p. Ixxv),
Portraits (‘the nosegay’, ‘autumn-flowers’); between these, 410.
A, Verwée, Zeeland team; 5. L. Artan, Breakers. — We now tra-
verse an antechamber oe enter —
Room VII. *412. A. Verwée (p.Ixxv), Cattle by a river ; AOR
J. Clays, Sea-piece; 99. H. Boulenger (p.1xxv), Forest-scene ; *498. H.
de Braekeleer, Man at a window; above, 204. J. B. Kindermans, Land-
scape. — Farther on, beyond the coupled columns, is the large —
Room IX. To the left: 243. E. Larock, Cinder-picker (‘l’escar-
billeur’); 449. Z. Wauters, Arrival of the Polish king, John Sobieski,
for the telief of Vienna besieged by the Turks (1883); 981. L. Phil-
ippet, Stabbed (Italian street-scene). — 149. L. Gallait, The Plague
in Tournai (1092): Bishop Radbold Il. walks in front of the inter-
cessory procession in penitential robes, followed by the chief citizens
bearing a figure of the Virgin Mary (late work; 1882). —.276.
C. Ooms The forbidden book; 244. F. Lamoriniére , puss
(1879) ; 61. A, Cluysenaar, E mp. Henry IY. at Canossa in 1077.
Passing through R. XI, we turn to the right into — |