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246 Route 26. LIEGE. Praclical
R. 53) and on the Liege Suburban Railway (Chemin de Fer de Ceinture;
3 M., 33 trains daily, fares 35 and 20c.). — The hotels do not send om-
nibuses to meet the trains. Cabs, see below.
Hotels. Hore, pe SukpE (Pl. a; B,3), Rue de lHarmonie 7, 75 R.
from 4, B, 11/2, déj.4, D. (6-8 o’cl.) 5, pens. from 13 fr.; Granp-H6rTEL
(P1. k; B, 8), Place St. Lambert, 80 R. from 3, B. 1, déj. 3, D. 4 fr., both
with lifts and central-heating; HOTEL pg L’EuRoPE (Pl. c; B, 3), Rue
Hamal 4, 55R. at 3-6, B. 41/2, déj. 3, D. 21/2-5 fr. — HOTEL p’ ANGLETERRE
(Pl. b; B, 3), Rue des Dominicains 2, in a quiet situation, practically a
hétel garni, 78 R. at 3-6, B. 11/2, déj.3, D. 4, pens. 8-12 fr.; HéTEL ARNoLp
MoureN (Pl. d; B, 4), Place St. Paul 4 and Rue du Pont-d'Avroy 21, with
garden and large restaurant, 40 R. at 2-5, B. 11/, fr.; Horet Moperne (PI. g;
B, 4), Rue du Pont-d’Avroy 29, with café-restaurant (D. 2 fr.); HOTEL
VeRLHAc (Pl. bh; B, 4), Boulevard de la Sauveniére 153, corner of Rue du
Pont-d’Avroy, with café-restaurant; Hérer ScuiLuer (Pl. f; B, 3), Place
du Théatre 6; H6ret DouneNn (Aux Freres Provencaux; Pl. i, C, 3), Rue
Souverain-Pont 48, with restaurant, 20 R. from 3, B. 1 fr.; HéreL pz Dinan,
Rue Gérardrie (Pl. C, 3), 50 R. from 2, B. 1, déj. 2, D. 2!/2, pens. from 7 fr.
— The following are convenient for travellers arriving late or starting
early by railway: H6éTEeL pe L’Univers (Pl. m; B, 6,7), with restaurant,
40 R. from 2!/2, B. 1 fr.; H6re~ pu CuEemry-pE-Fer (P]. 1; B, 7), 35R. at
Q/e-4, B. 1 fr.; HéreL-ReEsTauRaNT pu Mrpr (Pl. n; B,7), 30 R. at 21/25
B.1 fr.; these three near the Station des Guillemins. — HOTEL DE L’Es
ANCE, Rue Grétry 95, near the Station de Longdoz.
Restaurants. *H6tel Mohren, the largest restaurant in the town (see
above); *Zaverne Gruber (Restaurant Continental), Place Verte (Pl. B, 3);
"Café Vénitien (P]. e; B, 3), Rue Hamal 2, with a small garden; *Hétel
Dounen, see above, déj. or D. from 3 fr.; Hétel Verlhac, see above, D. from
11/2 fr.; Café de Dinant, see above; H6t.-Restaurant Oberbayern, Rue de la
Régence 25; Café Anglais, Taverne Britannique, both in the Place du
Théatre; Trianon, Boul. de la Sauveniére 12. — WinE Rooms: Beyer, Place
du Théatre 35; Continental Bodega (Spanish wines), Place Verte 22.
Cafés. *Café au Phare, Place Verte 2 (Pl. B, 3), handsomely fitted up,
*Café Charlemagne, in the Grand-Hotel (see above).
Cabs. First 1/2hr. 1, each addit. 1/, hr. 1/2 fr. (from 14 p.m. to 6 a.m. 2,
3/, fr.); to the heights round the town (Parc du Champ des Oiseaux,
Chartreuse, etc.) 1/2 fr. extra. For drives to neighbouring villages the full
return-fare must be paid whether the cab is used in returning or not.
Each article of luggage carried outside 10 c. — Motor Cass (Auto-Taxis):
75 c. per 800 métres (ca. }/2 M.), 10 c. for every additional 200 métres; be-
tween 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. 75c. per 600 métres, 10 c. for every additional
150 métres.
Tramways (mostly electric; comp. the Plan). Fares within the town:
1st cl. 45c., 2nd cl. 10c. 4. From the Station des Guillemins (Pl. A, B, 7)
vid the Pare d’Avroy (P]. B, 5), Boul. de la Sauveniére, Place du Théatre
(Pl. B, 3), Place St. Lambert, Place du Marché (PI. C, 3), Rue Féronstrée, and
Rue St. Léonard (P]. D, E, 2, 1), to Coronmeuse (beyond Pl. E, 1). — 2. As
in No.1 to the Place du Thédtre, then vid the Rue de l'Université (Pl. B,
C, 3,4), Pont de la Boverie (P}. C, 4), Rue Grétry, to Grivegnée (Pl. E, 7).
— 3. From the Station des Guillemins via the Rue Louvrex (Pl. A, 4, 5),
Rue du Pont-d’Avroy, Place de la Cathédrale (Pl. B, 8, 4), Quai de la Batte
(P1. C, D, 2, 3), and Rue Hors-Chateau (PI. C, D, 2), to the Station de Vivegnis
(P1. D, BE, 1). — 4. From the Station des Guillemins via the Pont de Fragnée
(P1. C, 8), Rue d’Harscamp (Pl. C, D, 5), Place du Congrés (Pl. D, 3), Place
Maghin (Pl. D, 2), and thence as in No. 1 back to the Station des Guillemins.
— 5. From the Rue Hamal (Pl. B, 3) vid the Place du Thédtre, Poste (Pl.
C, 3), Quai St. Léonard (Pl. D, E, 2), and Herstal, {0 Viregnis. — 6. As in
No. 5 to Herstal, then over the Meuse to Wandre. — 7. From the Place
St. Lambert (P1. B, C, 3) via the Pont des Arches (Pl. C,3), Quai de 1’In-
dustrie (P]. C, 4, 5), and Rue des Vennes (PI. C-E, 6-8), to Angleur. —
8. As in No. 7 to the Rue des Vennes, then via the Rue de Fétinne
(Pl. D, 6, 7), Rivage en Pot (Pl. C, 8), and Kinkempois, to Renory. — |