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308 Route 37. ROTTERDAM. Boompjes
formerly belonging to Arminius (d. 1609), the preacher and founder of the
sect of the Remonstrants (p. 457). — Room V. Cabinet with silver guild
utensils; 457. Jewel-casket formerly belonying to Admiral Piet Hein (p. 312) ;
embroideries; silver beaker belonging to the old Schuttery.
At the back of the Boymans Museum is the Van HogENDoRPS
PLEIN (Pl. C, D, 3), where a flower-market takes place every week-
day, and which is adorned with the statue of Gysbert Karel van
Hogendorp (Pl. 44, D,3; 1762-1834), the ‘promoter of free trade’,
and the ‘founder of the Dutch constitution’, by W. Geefs (comp.
p. 336). At No. 8 is the Municipal Library and Reading-Room (adm.
from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.). — Opposite the W. exit of the Pa
(p. 304) stands the Caland Fountain(Pl. 4: C. 2,3), erected in 19
to commemorate the opening of the Nieuwe Waterweg (p. 294).
We return past the Fish Market (P1. D, 3) and through the Noorp-
BLAAK (Pl. D, 3), with its numerous shops, to the Beursplein.
A few minutes to the S.E., at the corner of the Wynhaven and
the Geldersche Kade, lies the Wirts Huis (PI. 47; E, 3), a ten-
storied apartment-house, 130 ft. high, in the style of an American
sky-scraper, erected in 1897-98 (fine *View of Rotterdam from the
terrace on the roof; entrance on the S. side, adm. 23c.: lift).
The English Church (Pl. 41; G, 2), at the E. end of the Haringvliet
(Pl. F, 3, 2), was orivinally built by the great Duke of Marlborough during
his command in the Netherlands, and has been used as a barrack, a hos-
pital, a storehouse, and an armoury. Over the entrance, below the English
royal arms, are the arms of the Duke of Marlborough.
A little to the S. of the Geldersche Kade is the Boompjes
(PL. E, D, 4), a broad quay, which derives its name from the scraggy
elm-trees planted upon it.
Along the Meuse, farther to the W., stretch the Willems Plein
and the Willems Kade (Pl. D, C, 5, 6). At the W. extremity of
the latter, at No. 25b, is the Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde
en Maritiem Museum (Pl. 44; C, 6), containing curiosities from the
East Indies, Africa, and Brazil, and a collection of objects connected
with navigation from the 17th cent. onwards (under reconstruction ;
formerly open daily except Mon., 10-4; adm. 5 c.). — From the
Willems Plein (Veerhaven) and from the Wester-Laan (Pl. B, 6)
steam-ferries ply to the docks (p. 309).
The “Park (P1. A, B, 6) affords a pleasant promenade, and may
be reached by tramway (No. 4, p. 301) from the Exchange. The
View Terrace (café), on the Meuse, and other points command a
view of the busy scene on the river. In the middle of the park is
the Officieren-Societeit (concerts, see p. 302). Near it, to the S.W.,
rises a marble statue by Stracké of the popular patriotic poet Hendrik
Tollens (1780-1856), erected in 1864. — Yo the W. of the park
are the new harbours of Parkhaven, St. Jobshaven, and Schiehaven;
between the two last, at the Lloyd-Kade, lie the steamers of the
Rotterdam Lloyd Steamship Co. (visitors admitted; 25c.), — A
new quarter has recently sprung up to the N.W. of the park. In |