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310 Route 37. ROTTERDAM.
in extent, where the steamers of the Hamburg-South-American Co.
lie; and the harbours at Charlois (ferry from the second Katen-
drechtsche Haven), with three floating docks and large petroleum
tanks. Steam-ferry from the Dockhaven to the Wester-Laan ( p- 308).
— To the W. of Charlois the Waalhaven (740 acres) is under con-
From Rorrerp:
(overhead system) in 48 min. (fares 90, 6U
Station (Pl. C, D, 1), see p. 300. — 7 M. Pynacker. — 15 M. The Hague
(Duteh St M. Scheveningen (comp. p. 340). In the height of
summer run hourly to Scheveningen (27 min.), not passing
The Hagu Interesting trip.
An interesting day’s excursion may be made rrom RoTreRDAM TO
Dorpz oing by steamer (Fop Smit & Co.; 9-40 time daily in 4!/, hr.;
Jc.) and returning by railway (pp. 459, 460; 1/2 hr.). ‘Che steamer
t the Ooster-Kade, Pl. F, 3) stops at Ysselmonde (p. 459), and
Kratingsche Veer, with the largest salmon-market in Holland (daily in
summer) and a guano-factory; then, on the left bank, at Bolnes and
Suikkerveer, two small places with ship-building yards. Beyond the mouth
of the Lek (p. 436) it turns to the right into the De Noord arm of the Meuse,
and stops at Kinderdyk and Alblasserdam (comp. p. 207) on the t. cat
Ido Ambacht on the right, and at Papendrecht on the left. Finally
a fine view of Dordrecht is disclosed and the steamer lays to at the Groot-
hoofd (p. 457), whence it proceeds to Gorinchem (p. 452). — From July 1st
to Sept 14th an interesting Excursion RouND THE ISLAND OL
is made daily from Rotterdam. Starting from the Ooster-K
at 10.30 a.m. the steamer sails vid Dordrecht to Moerdyk (p.
through the Oude Maas and vid Vlaardingen (p. 294
3.30 p.m.; fare 11/2 fl.; good restaurant on board, ¢
From Rote
askade, Pl. F,
vy Ve M., electric
mor do fle 40.80.)
(see above)
)7), returning
) to Rotte
j. 41> f1.).
‘DAM TO BRIEL, by steamer in 11/2 hr. (stz
4; fares 50, 25c.; comp. Van Santen’s §
am (ca,
Wieuwesluis and Vlaarding or by steam-tramway (p. 301,
comp. Van Santen’s Reisgids No. 5 in 43/; hr. across the ‘islands of
Putien and Voorne. — Briel or Brielle (Hétel De Nymph, déj. 3/5, D. 11/5 A. ;
Hotel van Beaumont), a town with 4200 inhab.. situated on the silted-up
mouth of the Meuse, was formerly strongly fortified. Its capture by the
“Water Beggars’, on April 1st, 45’ was the first overt act in the Dutch
ai the Spanish supremac The Gothic Church of St. Catharin
(15th cent.) has a handsome tower 246 ft. high; the interior contains the
tomb of Admiral Ph. van Almonde (d. 1741). The Orphan ige was built at the
cost of Angelus Merula, a Protestant preacher executed in 1557, a portrait of
whom is exhibited in the ‘Regentenkamer’. The monument t) the ‘Water
Beggars’ (‘de Vryheidsnymph’) was erected in 1872. — Oostvoorne, the ter-
minus of the tramway and of a steamer from Rotterdam (p. 302), is a small
seaside resort with a few hétel-pensions (pens. 2t/2-3 fl.) — On the S. side of
the and of Voorne lies the naval port of Hellevoetsiuis (I loyd’s sub a
also connected with Rotterdam by steamer and steam-tramway (p. 3
38. From Rotterdam to The Hague, Leyden, Haarlem,
and Amsterdam.
52 M. Rattway (‘Hollandsche Spoorweg’; stations, see p. 200) in 41/,-
23/; hrs. To (4141/2 M.) The Hague in 22-40 minutes.
Rotterdam, see p. 300. — To the left, as we quit Rotterdam,
appears Delfshaven (p. 309). Flat pastures, numerous wind-mills,
straight canals, and Occasionally a few plantations and thriving
farm-houses are the principal features of the country. |