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410 Route 44, WYK AAN ZER. From Amsterdam
From Amsrarpam To Ankmaar, 24 M., railway in 3/,-41/, hr. —
The train starts from the Central Station (p. 862), traverses the
Amsterdamer Polder, and crosses the North Sea Canal (p. 406) by
a bridge 100 yds. long. Local trains stop at Hembrug,
5!/) M. Zaandam (p. 406), the junction of the line to Hoorn
and Enkhuizen (p. 444). The railway to Helder skirts the canal-
like Zaan, passing innumerable wind-mills (comp. p. 406). — 8 M.
Koog is also the station for Zaandyk. Both villages, with timber
houses surrounded by gardens, retain many old Dutch characteristics.
In the Town Hall, between them, is the Zaanland Antiquarian
Museum, an interesting collection of antique domestic utensils,
ornaments, costumes, paintings, etc. (adm. 25 ¢., Sat. 50c.). —
10 M. Wormerveer, with flourishing factories; 11 M. Krommenie-
Assendelft. To the S. W. we see the Groote Kerk of Haarlem. 131/)M.
The next stations are Castricum, noted(for the battle of Oct. 9th,
1799 (p. 418), and (221/) M.) Heilo, with the miraculous Well of
St. Willibrord. — 24 M. Alkmaar, see below.
From Haartem To Atkmaar, 24 M., railway in 3/4-1 1/4 br. —
Haarlem, see p. 354. The train runs through a pleasant district
towards the N., passing (2 M.) Bloemendaal (p. 364), to (3 M.)
Sandpoort-Meerenberg (p.361). On the right are pastures with fine
cattle. Near(5!/)M.) Velsen, where a branch-line diverges to (2M.)
Ymuiden (p. 407), are numerous country-houses and a golf-course.
— The train then crosses the North Sea Canal (p. 406) by an iron
swing-bridge, 142 yds. in length, and reaches —
7M. Beverwyk (Hot. de Zon; Café Ludwig; steamer to Amster-
dam), with country-houses and pleasure-grounds. About 11/5 M. to
the N. is the neglected Chateau of Assumburg, originally dating
from the 44th century. — During the bathing-season a tramway runs
from Beverwyk (in 20 min.; fare 15 c.) to Wyk aan Zee ( Vereenigde
Bad-Hotels, 100 R., pens. 51/)-7 fl.; several Pensions), a favourite
Dutch watering ~place (sea-bath 25-50 c.), lying behind the lofty
dunes (views), about 3 min. from the beach. Among the Dunes is
a children’s hospital. A pleasant walk of 11/, hr, may be taken along
the beach or the dunes to Ymuiden (p. 407).
11 M. Uitgeest, and thence to (24 M.) Alkmaar, see above.
Alkmaar, — Hotels. *H6ér. pr Tosrasr, Koorstraat 30, 20 R. from 43/,,
B. S/4, D. 2 fl.; Hér. pe Nacure AaL, Geesterweg 1, in a fine situation,
R. & B. from 18/4, D. 11/2 l., new, well spoken of; Hér pr Bora, Hofplein
and Lange Straat, 20 R. at 15/;-2 1. (incl. B.); Hér. Neur, Lange Straat 60,
30 R. at 41/o-21/2 fl. (mcl. B.); Hor. Wxnkame. Paarden-Markt 6. 16 R.
from 41/2 fl. (incl. B.); cafés-restaurants at the last three. — Alkmaarsche
Lunch Room, Houttil 1; Café Lievendag.
Alkmaar, a town of 20,600 inhab., on the North Holland Canal,
contains many quaint houses of the 17th cent., and is renowned in
the history of the Dutch struggle for independence for its stout and
successful resistance to the besieging Spaniards in 1573, — The |